Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

ited in karstic areas and under the niveau of the main 
karstwater-table. Because of the intensive dewatering of 
coal-, bauxite-, and manganese mines: the subsurface water- 
household of vast areas was destroyed /dug wells, springs 
and even drilled wells became dry/.This caused difficulties 
in the water-supply of settlements, industrial plants and 
agricultural sites, not to speak about the great expenses 
of the dewatering of the mines, Thermal water exploration 
is another task in Hungary, having great financial conse- 
The discharge of springs can be protected, or reconstructed 
in exceptionally important cases: by the aid of artificial 
recharge. That means, that large-diameter bore-holes, or 
drilled shafts have to be sunk into the aquifer and these 
have to be filled artificially by water /recharge/ in order 
to keep the water-table in a high position between the area 
of dewatering and the spring. By this way a man-made-, new 
subsurface "dividing hog-back" will develop, serving like 
a dam. 
It is obvious, that to find the best site of such installa- 
tions for artificial water recharge is a very critical task, 
It has to be on a spot, where deep-reaching shattered zones 
do ensure the water to get fast and without any hindrance 
into the water bearing rock-masses, That means litholay 
and tectonics have to be explored on the site of the facil- 
ity and in an areal sense too, 
In Hungary airphoto interpretation was used with good re- 
sults already about 10 years ago. At that times — for the 
first time in the World — a karstwater observation network 
containing about 100 drilled wells was planned by the aid 
of interpretation, The wells sunk into karstic rocks were 
drilled with about 98 % reliability, -— instead of the for- 
mer figure of 40-50 %, The area covered by the observation 
network makes out several thousand square kilometres, With- 
out airphoto-interpretation /that is by conventional field 
work/ it would have needed some years to plan such an ex- 
tensive system of bore-holes, By the aid of the photos it 
took only a few months, 
Some indications of curvilinear features were already found 
at that time. 
Just recently new methods — inclusive terrestrial instru- 
ments and aerospace reconnaissance = are in use for the 
detection of shattered zones, faults, rifts etc. 
According to the informations obtained by the airphotos it 
could be expected that space-images would be very advanta- 
geous for the detection of large tectonic features, The 
reason for that is in the fact, that they give a large 
look-over about vast areas,  Furtheron the multispectoral 

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