Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

Since there is a close connection between the plot of sur- 
face water and tectonics /the latter do preform the beds 
and basins of water-bodies/ it seemed to be obvious to use 
the help of this map in those parts of the regions about 
which no space images were available, 
At first we began to trace those linears on the map,which 
were already detected on the space images and after it to 
try to find their extensions on the map. 
By this combined mode of interpretation long linears did 
appear which do run to directions not expected, and have 
connections never supposed before, 
The circular features discovered formerly in the Mátra /1 
in Fig.6./ and Bükk /2 in Fig.6./ mountains are very small 
as compared to the new ones. 
One of these mighty concentric ellipses /3/ /in Transdanu- 
bia/ is in good accordance with the radial, straight lines 
since the N-ern part of the ellipse runs through their 
"focus" /Hh/, The same ellipse is on its W-ern side /5/ 
common with two other ellipses /which are not complete/. 
It is further interesting to see, how do other, relatively 
smaller circles, "ride" on the large ellipse /6/ and /7/. 
A rather surprising feature in this area is that encircling 
the Lake Fertd /8/ /Neusidler is Austria/. These oval lin- 
ears suggest a growing depression. 
It is a big contrast between the rigid, straight linears in 
Fig.5 — the Alps — and the curved and circular or elliptical 
linears in Fig.6. — the Carpathian Basin. The difference is 
so striking that it is obvious: substantial dissimilarities 
have to be taken into account as regarding the genesys and 
processes forming both regions, The Alps may be referred to 
as the classical battlefield of oonventional geology. The 
Carpathian Basin — to the contrary — seems to be the model 
for non-conventional geology /aerospace geology/. 
It is well-known that the earthcrust is exceptionally thin 
here /shown e.g. by the very high geothermal gradients and 
the abundance of thermal-water resources/, This is in close 
connection with the relative mobile character  /the very 
fast sinking of some parts and the relative ascend of the 
mountains/, The mountains seem to rise diapiroid-like = 
that means as if they would be pressed upward by forces 
acting in vertical direction, The typical diapirs are more- 
-r-less round-shaped — and this seems to be the case also 
here, The vertical movement may be explained by the most 
up-to-date theory  /the more: fact/ of plate-tectonics, or 
simply by isostasy. 
But the very sophisticated picture of the most recent inten 
pretation shows: other factors have also to be taken into 
account; e,g, the turrents" of convection cells, the motor 
of which is the internal heat of our Globe. The cells them- 

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