Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

The area studied is located in the Soulheast of Analolia occupied 
with 7 towns of Adiyaman. Diyarbakir, Gazianlep. Mavas. Mavdin. Siivl. 
Urfa and bounded by the latitudes 369-399 N and the longitudes 369-439 E. 
The area is approximately 90.000 square kilomelers. and surrounded by 
the political boundary of Syria in [he soulh. The vi ver Euphrales. (he 
longest river of the Middle East. flows through the area transversing all 
the way from north to south. A subdued topography with gently slopes 
prevails in the east. whereas a rugged topography of Eastern Taurus and 
Amanos mountains can be seen in the west. 
Southeastevn Turkey is a continuation of the Arabian peninsula 
extending to the northwest. The region is a conspicous sedimentary basin 
containing the prolific oil fields of the Middle East. This part of lhe 
country has been the center of exploration activities during the past 20 
years. À short review of the geology. the results of drilled wells and the 
production data of the oil fields would indicate that perhaps no major oil 
field in the Middle East sense will be found in this region. However there 
ave many reasons for believing that more oil. even of good quality and 
quantily will be discovered provided the search continues. 
First. the index of Landsat images of the area under sludy was 
reviewed and three photographs were selected. The pholographs used in 
this investigation were laken by Landsal spacecraft in August 1975. The 
approximate scale of the images is 1/1.000.000. Each frame covers an 
area of 185 km x 185 km. The photographs employed in this study consist 
of a four channel (band) optical scanner. Four spectral bands are as 
follows: band 4 records blue-green light (0.5-0.6 microns) band 5 red 
light (0.6-0.7 microns). bands 6 and 7 infrared light (0.7-0.8 and 
0.8-1.1 microns) respectively. The paper prints of 7"x7" black and white 
were obtained. The quality of the images is quite good. 
Asetate papers were laid doun on the photographs and annotations 
were traced on these papers. The photographs were examined under the 
hand lens. The findings were correlated with geological literature and 
maps and even conventional aiv photographs were used. The geological 
analyses weve carried out with the stratigraphical and structural 
investigations. The emphasis was based on the differentiations of the 
lithologies and the structural features. 

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