Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

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Geological Framework 
The avea studied is located on the northern extension of the Arabian 
plate and the south of the orogenic zone of the Taurid. The geological 
evolution of the region has been affected by both the periodic pulses of 
the Arabian plale and the movements of the Taurid orogenic zone. 
There is a continious sedimentalion since Cambrian lime. The 
sediments of Paleozoic Mesozoic and Tertiary ave composed mainly of 
shallow sea deposits. The basin has undergone uplifling several limes. 
The intensive folding started in Oligocene and the paroxism occured in 
late Miocene. A result of this folding sequence, Upper Miocene sedimenls 
show extensive thrusting and overturning. 
Magmatic activities mainly belong to lhe Alpine ovogenic phase. The 
ultrabasic rocks of Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene crope oul on the major 
leclonic zone in the east and north of the avea studied. Basallic exlrusions 
cover several hundred square kilometers and many craters exist on 
In this region, oil production of the country is mainly from the 
carbonate vocks of Cretaceous age. 
Inlerpretational Results 
The following results have been found from the study of photographs 
under hand lenses. 
The observations weve nol salisfactory in lhe avea where lhe bedrock 
was covered by vegelation and soil. Il is clear thal this is due lo lhe 
superficial nature of the photography. Bul it was vathev difficull lo 
discriminate the lithologies in the areas of good exposures. In facl (he 
individual slvaligvaphic units of the area ave usually thinner than lhe 
linear vesolulion capability. Otherwise itis not possible to idenlify 
lithological units with a Landsal imagery of 80 melev resolution. 
The puttern of dissection of the terrain provides one of the principal 
clues for lhe classification of rock types. On the other hand. the 
differentiation of adjacent two formations with similar physical and 
morphological characteristics was rather difficult.

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