Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

The natural colour of. ihe vocks was anolhev criic viru fov recognilion 
of various rocks. In fact the vast aveas covered by dark basalls were 
observed easily. Il is clear that this is due to the characteristics of ob 
absorbtion and emission of the sun light of lhe rocks. The vadialion p 
abpearing in various intensity over the dark and ligh! coloured vocks lo 
reflects in different gray tones on the photographs and so assists 
lodiscriminate lhe rocks Although the Landsal images have a gray scale ; 
divided by l0 degrees. a delailed analysis could nol ^e done wilhoul a is 
densitymeler. m 
On the other hand. identification of ullvabasics limeslones and af 
other sedimentary rocks seemed almost impossible te 
In summary. new data found is nol relevant lo map lithological units. 
The observalions of structural lineamenls were quile salisfaclory on 
the photographs. The fracture system of the Taurus and Amanos mountain 
ranges were easily delected. There ave lwo major dislocalion zones in 
lhe area. Dislocalion zones are NE-SW for Eastern Taurus and nearly N-S 0j 
for the Amanos mountains. a 
It seemed that the fracture pallern of the easteyn Landsai image is 
quile different than the fracture pattern of the two images in the west. The 
fractures have a low density pattern and in different directions in Ihe east. 
The main direction of the fractures is NW-SE and some fractures ure in N-S 
direction. Il is thought thal the different fracture palleyns are due lo the 
Avabian plale on which ‘he fractures occur. 
Apar! from the fracture system and relevant minor fractures olhes 
dislinclive recognition clues weve nol found lo vecognize folding in Ihe 
region. Allempls were made lo find out slvucluval features such as 
anliclines. bu! ao reliahle crileria were found, lo deie« i thew. Excepl fo) 
Ihe geological s'ructuvres mapped already in delail up io now ary mappable 
folded slruclure was not detected. Therefore. Ihe res: on of !'lie evisling 
geologica! maps will not be worthwinle 
Mullispectral se:nner imagery from Landsal has been p»oven useful 
in the identificalion of geomorphic and struclura! teamres in ‘le Uyfu 
The lithological differventiations à Ihe yocbs cen net be «fod led 
accuralelv. T«.e photographs may assis! lo differenliaie rhe boundarres ot 
Ihe bedrock units in certain extent. Since the scale of the photographs is 

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