Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

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Afterwards a regular sampling grid of a width of 100 meters 
was placed on the map. Land use is determined at every 
sampling point and coded with a number. The data were entered 
on a record sheet, transferred on punch cards and processed by 
computer. The time needed for the data collection is shown in 
table 2, the results obtained are shown in table 5. 
Table 2: 
Time spent on photo interpretation, transfer of land use 
boundaries to map, and sampling with grid of 100 m. 
photo interpretation with stereoscope 1 n. 20 min. 
delineating of land use units 
data transfer with ZOOM TRANSFER SCOPE i-2 h. 
drawing and coloring of map 50 min. 
sampling 1h. 20 min. 
punching data 30 min. 
TOTAL 5-6 h. 
4.2 Transfer of a regular sampling grid to the aerial photo- 
Instead of transferring the land use boundaries to a topo- 
graphic map, the sampling grid can be transferred to the 
aerial photographs. This point transfer can be achieved 
analytically by computing the image coordinates of every 
sample point. For this purpose the orientation elements of the 
photographs and the elevation of the sample points are needed. 
The orientation elements can be determined with the aid of 
some control points for each photo, the elevations were taken 
from a digital terrain model of a grid width of 250 m. As this 
point distance did not coincide with the sampling pattern, a 
height interpolation was required (10). After computing the 
image coordinates of the sample points the sample grid can be 
plotted with an automatic tracing table on a transparent foil, 
which finally can be placed on the photos. 
Compared with the procedure described before, this method has 
several advantages: 
- besides measuring the control points the creation of the 
sample grid is fully automatic. 

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