Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

— As the point by point interpretation and coding of the land resu: 
use can be done directly on the photos, time consuming 
routine operations like the delineation of every individual Table 
type of land use and the transfer of the land use boundaries = 
to a topographic map are avoided. Time 
The time needed for the mentioned test area is shown in 
table 3. The results obtained are presented in table 5. —— 
Table 3: ii 
Time spent on analytical transfer of sample grid, photo a: 
interpretation and sampling a 
measuring control points for À t: 
: ; 45 min. 
orientation elements E 
data manipulation 30 min. [. 
point by point land use interpretation 
and coding of land use on photos 60 min. 
(6 seconds per point) 
punching data 30 min. The 
TOTAL 2 h.45 min. Sry 
be s 
is c 
: 3 ; ; 7 conf 
4.3 Line sampling with the aid of a stereoplotter 
The relation between the sample elements and the photo can So 
also be achieved by using a stereoplotter. In this case, due 2c 
. ; : stat 
to technical reasons, preference should be given to line 
: ; anal 
samples (traverses) instead of point samples. The operator inte 
directs the floating mark of the stereoplotter along the 
; for 
traverses. Whenever a traverse intersects a land use boundary, 
the coordinates of this point together with a code for the 
: ; The 
new land use category are recorded with the aid of a fire 
. . . i 
registration device. Sur 
; . ais cond 
This method allows also, without any additional work a ante 
registration of the elevations along every profile line. 
Thereby it is possible to determine the height of buildings 
as well as to make an estimation of the number of floors. 
In the area of investigation, traverses in direction east-west The 
and north-south with an interval of 250 meters have been rati 
scanned and a total of 850 intersection points have been re- Fore 
corded. If the surface of the entire test area is known, the 
percentage of fhe various land uses can be obtained from the 
length of the traverse sections which cover every land use

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