Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

iPS is an im- 
It is used to 
ong the river. 
on in canals, 
he longitudi- 
atching. The 
ing GPS raw 
act to current 
ip's heading 
ternatively a 
ship the may 
ship's speed 
at the end of 
an initial po- 
pdating, the 
1d speed log 
n and head- 
al values for 
ted from the 
e. The initial 
mage is de- 
ates. Within 
itrix C, com- 
] as the co- 
wus the filter 
otained from 
state is given 
ar update. 
ated naviga- 
e integrated 
' processing 
trol level for 
ctly from the 
ip. Asa con- 
"s dynamics 
inment must 
n. The up- 
presents the 
onment and 
model world 
roduction of 
available a- 
odels for the 
ctronic chart 
rid with the 
. Difference 
sensor sig- 
n the model 
nals are the 
ge matching 
Control Navigator 
Controller Output to Trajectory Traffic and Chart 
Controller |< Planni < 
Rudder and Engine anning Information 
Traffic Rules 
Navigation Imaging 
> Sensors 
| Navigating Other 
[ Vessel Sensors 
! Real World 
| - - - - - - - - e 
| Ma Iching Rules for 
| Matching 
| n NES 
| ) « 
Weighting FF Comparison 
| - 
| Models of Local Chart 
other Vessels with other 
]. 1]... a fm 7 o7 — 
| Electronic Vessels: = 
Chart T 
| LJ Model of the Sensor 
| Navigating > Models 
| Model World 
Figure 10: Structure of the integrated navigation system 

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