sian 255
pine 257
denti 267
DIR 279
esate 287
did 294
NV 297
etn. 299
Prospect of High Resolution Colour Imagery in New Brunswick
Réjean Castonguay, New Brunswick Geographic Information
Corporation; Ronald Robichaud, GEOMACADIE Services Ltd.;
Jean-Pierre Ancers, University OF MONCTON ..……i…umirnnemmennnnennnannennnnnnn 309
Photogrammetry and GPS for a Cadastral Land Information System
G.S. Kumar and J.S. Ahuja, Info Tech Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., India ...................... 316
Observations of a Coastal Current Using ERS-1 SAR
Pierre Larouche, Department of Fisheries and Oceans ..................... sss 325
Overview of the Work on the Classification of SAR Ship
Imagery Performed at DREO
Robert Klepko, Defence Research Establishment Ottawa .................................. 324
Referential Classification - An Intelligence Based Algorithm
Othman Alhusain, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary ......................... 332
Thursday, June 9, 1994
Joint ISPRS/GIS '94 Plenary IV
An Overview of the Use of Quadtrees and Related Hierarchical
Data Studies in Geographic Information Systems
Hanan Samet, University of Maryland, U.S A... din iid 2 337
Digital Photogrammetric Systems and Their Integration with GIS
Ian J. Dowman, University College London, U. Ku 338
The Use of Spatial Information at Canada Post Corporation
Ken Tucker, Canada Post Corporation? I eeneneneeen na tnnt en tuoi 346
Session I-1 WG I[/3 - Technologies for Large Volumes of Spatial
Data - Part C
Management Perspective of an Infrastructure for GIS
Interoperability - the Delta-X Project
Mosaad Allam, Natural Resources Canada... stus eseetFreneseksenntdnsta 347
The Client-Server Architecture of Delta-X
Jan Medved and Geroge.Petras, Interobject Spatial Research.............................. 353
MetaView: A GIS Spatial Browser - Functions and Services
Cherian Chaly, W. Zhu and S. Effah, Natural Resources Canada ....................... 364