ide 501
T ETT. 376
bi 383
heredi 301
iesu nis 397
amants 398
pho. 405
Yale 413
EG 416
hi idis 421
Session K-1 WG II/4 - Systems for the Processing of Radar Data - Part B
Evaluation of Spectral Classifiers for Separating Sea Ice from
Open Water in Preparation for Radarsat
T. Heacock, R. Duncan and T. Hirose, Noetix Research Inc.;
M. Manore, Natural Resources Canada ..................... ettet
Processing ERS-1 SAR and JERS-1 SAR for Mapping
Ian J. Dowman, University College London, U. K. ................ eee
Evaluation of Radar Images for Updating Geo-forestry Information
Alain Coulombe, Quebec Ministry of Forestry; Mario Hinse,
Quebec Ministry of Energy and Resources... rer er
Investigation of a GIS Forest Base Mapping Process Using
Optical and Radar Remote Sensing: First Results
Brian Davis, MacMillan Bloedel Ltd.; Stéphane Rossignol, Radarsat
International Inc.; Christine Hutton, Natural Resources Canada.................
Friday, June 10, 1994
Session L-1 WG 11/1 - Real-Time Mapping Technologies
- Algorithmic Aspects
Mathematical Problems of Real-Time Mapping and
Data Base Modelling
Erhard Pross, Institute of Applied Geodesy, Germany....................c.ou.........
Identification and Location of Simple Objects for
Real-Time Mapping
Christoph Geiselmann and Michael Hahn, University of
Stuttgart, German yet eere eie idee dE de Pene e e iem
Laser Range Scanner Supporting 3-D Range and 2-D Grey Level
Images for Tunnel Surface Inspection
C. Frohlich and G.Schmidt, Technical University of Munich, Germany .....
The Accuracy of Features Positioned with the GPSVan
Guangping He, Kurt Novak and Wei Tang, Ohio State University, U.S.A.
Joint ISPRS/GIS '94 Plenary V
Advanced 3D Visualization Techniques
Colin Ware, University of New Brunswick .............. eese teniente teet
M 427
oth s%e 437
ACT 444
fies 447
esse 455
panes 459
reais 471
rine 480
se... 487