features are realized using the PHIGS (Programmer’s
Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System) and C
programming languages, while the automated
algorithms are being realized in FORTRAN 77. The
automated algorithms are currently being developed on
a 486-based PC, but will eventually be implemented on
the SPARCstation.
The next section of this report discusses the types of
automated classification algorithms that have been
developed for eventual use within ROICATS. Section
3 discusses the types of computer-based tools that are
being considered. Section 4 discusses the operator-
machine interface features that are being implemented.
The paper concludes with a discussion of the future
work required to complete the development of
Over the past eight years, the Airborne Radar section
has been researching and developing numerous
algorithms that can be used to automatically classify
high-resolution radar images of ships. Only a brief
description of the most noteworthy of these algorithms
is given.
The various classification algorithms can be divided into
two general catergories. The first category is based
upon a robust technique that uses coarse image
features to make a classification. Various coarse
features are extracted from an input ship SAR image
and are compared to a ship library containing the same
features. There are basically six types of coarse
features extracted: the number, level and location of
major peaks in the image; the relative range location
and height, in cross-range, of any vertical structures
evident in the image; the estimate of the minimum ship
length; the presence of the bow of the ship; the outlines
of the sides of the ship; and the presence of a rotating
antenna. After extracting values for these features, an
Expert System (ES) methodology (i.e. a set of rules, a
knowledge base, and a rule control strategy) is used to
guide the comparison of features. Since the features
are coarse and not necessarily persistent, there is a
good chance that several ship classes will be declared
to be valid matches by the ES. It is required that the
ES output a list of candidate ships which is much
shorter than the initial list of all possible ship classes.
The list of candidate ship classes is presented to the
Radar Operator and fed into the second category of
classification algorithms. By having to consider a much
smaller subset of the library of ships, the subsequent
classification process should be faster and there should
be less chance for error. Incorporated into the ES is a
techique which automatically determines the quality of
an input SAR image. This technique basically allows
the ES to filter out those images which are considered
too poor for classification.
The second category of algorithms base their decisions
on the actual pixel values in the input SAR image.
There are three different techniques being developed in
this category: a combinatorial optimization technique
(sometimes referred to as simulated annealing), a
decision theoretic technique, and neural networks.
The combinatorial optimization technique takes a
computer-based block model of a ship (an example of
such a model is shown in Figure 1), and simulates its
SAR image for various values of the following four
parameters: the three angular velocities, roll, pitch, and
yaw; and the ship heading with respect to the SAR line-
of-sight. The simulated image is compared to the real
input ship image using a two-dimensional correlation,
and if the comparison is poor, the value of one of the
parameters is modified and another image is simulated.
The schedule, or method of selecting a parameter and
its new value, is the heart of the combinatorial
optimization technique. This technique finds the
optimum set of parameter values so that the best match
between the input and simulated images can be
The decision theoretic method uses templates that
represent incrementally learned simulated SAR images
of ships. For each class of ship there are several
templates, each representing a range of aspect angles
corresponding to 45 degrees. Simulated SAR images of
a ship are used to incrementally learn a template, also
called a discriminant vector, that is representative of
that ship for the range of aspect angles in question.
Only after each vector is created can the decision
theoretic method perform a classification. A
classification decision is based upon computing the two-
dimensional correlation between the input ship image
and each discriminant vector. The vector which gives
the highest correlation is considered to represent the
class of the ship in the input SAR image.
Neural Networks are also being evaluated as part of the
second category of algorithms. These networks
promise to provide quick recall of learned pattern
associations with high recognition performance, even
when noisy or incomplete input patterns are
encountered. Research and development is being
performed primarily with the BackPropagation Network
and derivatives of it.
Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the overall
classification system, ROICATS. The operation of
ROICATS is as follows. A real SPOT or RDP image
of a ship
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