Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

better quality camera and smaller size object with high contrast 
feature definition. 
A compo section in Venice, with the San Giacomo dell'Orio 
church, is shown in figure 10-C. It illustrates cylindrical shaped 
structures and great deal of occlusions. Figure 10-D shows a 
large historic building, la Caserne Dalhausie, in Quebec City. 
Ten images were taken to cover three sides of the building (the 
back side was attached to other buildings). The model, which 
has over 3000 points of which only 150 were measured 
interactively, captured all the details of the building including 
the tower. The model in figure 10-E depicts details, including 
irregular elements, of the entrance to Saint Cristina Crypt in 
Apulia, Italy. A historic building on the Rideau Canal in 
Ottawa, figure 10-F, is completely modeled from 9 images. 
A semi-automatic approach for constructing medium and large- 
scale man-made objects, such as classical architecture, was 
presented. Several representative examples from a small 
number of images taken by tourists were given. Parts of the 
process that can straightforwardly be performed by humans, 
such as registration, extracting seed points, and topological 
segmentation, remain interactive. Numerous details plus the 
occluded and the un-textured parts are added automatically by 
taking advantage of the object characteristics and making some 
realistic assumptions about the elements shapes and the 
relations between them. Efforts to automate the whole 
procedure are continuing. When conditions allow, the steps of 
initial point extraction and image registration can be fully 
automated, although this still requires numerous closely-spaced 
images. In the mean time, to achieve immediate and useful 
results, parts of the process necessitate human interaction. 
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of the images. Emily Whiting constructed some models. 
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