Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

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the handling and intelligent filters for rough models; For third world applications it is necessary to develop “ad hoc” 
construction of complex surfaces beginning with simple, approaches that could permit to acquire the data for the Cultural 
complex, and isoparametric curves (NURBS); Heritage sites surveying and risk estimation. 
the study in mathematical surfaces constructed on edge Latest 3D modelling tools allow to use and to implement of 
curves (of various types and degrees) and cloud points; realistic modelling techniques with high accuracy. 
extraction of "on surface" curves; In phase of editing some options are possible: 
the integration between different surveying techniques as - filtering of the mesh in function of dimension; 
L.S, digital  photogrammetry, direct surveying, - interpolation for the zones not covered from points; 
topography; - smoothing of the surface; 
the automatic extraction of edges from the laser scanned - production of profiles and automatic extraction 
object; Of the sections on preestablished directions or according to 
the integration between points clouds and images of the constant steps along the three cartesian directions. 
Fig. 7 The profile extraction from point data 
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[exl o dai? Sve 
æ [[] Clouds | 
$c Surfaces 
sie Surfaces 
z= BÀ Curves 
., ViewMesh DSYCut? = M co 
Data type i J uantity 
Surfaces 2 
Meshes 2 
Mesh vertices 186644 
Mesh faces 370378 
Visible mesh faces 0 
Selected mesh faces 0 
Spline surfaces 0 
Spline surface control points 0 
"Visible spline su s 0 
Selected spline surfaces a 
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Press F1 for help. 
Fig. 9 The profile extraction 

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