Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

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10 the surface constructed on edge curves 
The research will be continue to: 
modelling laser scanner clouds on complex surfaces and 
3D orthophotos; 
implementation and use algorithms for treatment of laser 
scanning data and processing of different surfaces 
developed in different environments (Studio Tool, Menci, 
Spider,...) on two levels: for finished elements (vectorial 
mesh exportable in DXF standard format) and for analysis 
of more evolved surfaces (developed in advanced 
modellation environments, generated by families of 
realization of a series of software able to automatically 
extract early geometries intended to simplify the final 
three-dimensional model; 
emphasis through suitable operators (Laplaciano della 
Gaussiana, Foerstner filter, etc.) automatically the 
radiometric edges which correspond to geometric borders 
on the point cloud for definition of DSM (Digital Surface 
Model) in order to describe the correct morphology of the 
object with limited memory; 
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Fig. 12 Callidus terrestrial L.S. 
Fig. 11 the wireframe windows: geometric border 
research into geometric borders directly on the point clouds 
starting from filtering digital images or starting from 
"geometric reasoning" (along with computing techniques 
able to show individual points and fundamental 
discontinuous lines inside a group of points known in a 3D 
construction of complex surfaces starting with early 3D, 
breaklines, simple, composed and isoparametric curves 
(NURBS), edge curves (of different types and degrees) 
integrated by internal point clouds using interpolation 
techniques (fitting,...); 
implementation and use in photogrammetric SW of 
processed models. 
Verbcat exagqenstion 5G X 
Fig. 13 The clouds of points: S. Marco Basilica - Venice Fig. 14 The surface generate from points surveyed by laser 

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