Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

just a mouse click to release the camera and load the 
picture up to the client system. 
The client- and the camera system use the same 
application so the user is absolutely flexible in 
establishing a camera remote control. The same computer 
can be used as client, server or direct control (via SCSI) 
without to install a special software version for each 
The user just has to connect the camera the right way to 
the computer and when starting the application he has to 
choose once only the kind of connection he wants to 
establish. Afterwards there is no difference in handling 
using the computer as a client system or realising a direct 
camera control via SCSI. On the server system 
DNetControl just shows a small window with a button to 
stop the connection to the client system. 
If there are cameras connected to network computers it is 
possible to control them from each computer in the same 
network, which has installed the software DnetControl. 
The recorded images can be load up and manipulated on 
any controlling computer. 
4.2 RDCSDK - a software development kit 
The idea of the “Rollei Digital Camera Software 
Developer Kid” is to give external software developers 
the opportunity to integrate the whole functionality of a 
camera remote control into their own software projects. 
Therefore the main focus of software design was set on 
an easy to use interface with a good handling and a high 
Although the needed operations and functions are 
implemented in a lot of classes it was attained to 
encapsulate the function calls of all relevant operations in 
just one class. Consequently this so called interface class 
holds any information an external software developer 
needs to implement the RDCSDK in his own software 
project. In spite of the other classes with the concrete 
implementation of the operations are hidden the user of 
the RDCSDK has a clear survey of the important 
operations with all needed parameter values. By hiding 
parts of the source code an intervention in sensitive areas 
of the source code is avoided and the implementation of 
the RDCSDK is made clear and easy. 
The following chart exemplifies the basic concept of the 
interface class : 
virtuell SetAperture 
virtuell GetCameraData () = 0 : double 
SetAperture(double) SetAperture () 
GetAperture() : double 
DirectControl | ClientControl | ServerControl 
GetAperture() : double 
Figure 4: Exemplary chart of the interface concept 
GetAperture() : double 
First step of the proceeding in an external Software 
project which implements the RDCSDK is to call the 
global function setConnectionKind. The user has to set a 
parameter value, which defines whether a server, client 
or direct connection is wanted. The operation produces 
an entity of the class, which is responsible for the chosen 
kind of connection. Then the address of the produced 
entity is allocated to the global pointer. Afterwards it is 
possible to call all functions with the global pointer. If 
the wanted kind of connection is set once you don't have 
to care of which type the current entity is. The function 
calls have always the same syntax inclusive all parameter 
values. Below there is an example for a function call with 
and without an interface: 
With interface : 
m globalPointer.SetAperture(int i) 
without interface : 
ClientControll.SetAperture(int i) 
So the interface concept enables an external software 
developer to use always the same function calls in his 
source code and has to set the wanted connection kind 
once only at a central point of the application. Beyond 
that the RDCSDK concept offers a clear and safe 
interface to other applications. 
CIPA International Symposium, Recife, Brazil 1999 
SONY, 2000. ICX282Ax data sheet 
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