Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

different from the later 
vas the Temple of Hera 
w in front of the temple 
andscape of this linear 
century, the view of the 
he grandiose Temple of 
en the Heraion and the 
e main and attracting 
article, we show 3D 
'nistic periods. 
istic sanctuary 
on to the Gymnasion on 
On the right hand side, 
 gymnasion. On the left 
' the round roof of the 
acedonian king, and the 
eus from the entrance 
down to the south along 
n toward the east, then 
1e the Bouleuterion with 
the frontal colonnades which was added in the Hellenistic 
period. We see the temple of Zeus diagonally, having a view of 
its front and side at the same time, as we always see the temples 
from the Archaic and Classical periods. (fig. 3) 
3) Scene 3,4: Temple of Zeus and its environment 
After entering the sanctuary, we go toward the temple among 
many sculptures which were dedicated by atheletes who won 
the Olympic games. These monuments played an important role 
for the landscape of the sanctuary. Without these monuments, 
the sanctuary looked very poor lacking artistic atmosphere. On 
the right of the temple of Zeus we see the small propylon to the 
Pelopion. (Fig. 4,5) 
Fig. 4 View of the Temple of Zeus through monuments. 
4) Scene 5: Temple of Hera 
The Temple of Hera (Heraion) was built around 600 B.C. of 
wood, and one of the oldest temple in Olympia. Compared with 
Classical temples, its proportion is rather heavy with its shorter 
columns around the pteron. The acroterion or roof top 
decoration in the center of the façade is quite unique disk-like 
decoration and quite large compared with the usual one. (Fig.6) 
Fig. 5 Front view of the Temple of Zeus by Pheidias. (Mid 5™ century B.C.) 

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