Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

120 — 
100 + 
80 4 
T —1 
n n 
8 4 
T T 
n n 2n 3n 7T n 
3 2 3 4 8 
Diagram 16. Ordinary aerial triangulation. Standard errors of the x-coordinates. 
Bridging. s, l. 
weight numbers to (311). It is also evident that these errors frequently 
can be neglected in comparison with the errors originating from the 
y-parallaxes. We will briefly demonstrate the determination of the in- 
fluence of the errors of the measurements in the control points and 
in arbitrary points. 
We assume the control points to be located as follows 
= 07x bn 
Yı 0 Yn 0 
The errors of the coordinate measurements are 
du, dy. dx, and dy, 
The influence of these errors upon the elements of transformation 
is found from the expressions (17)—(18). We have the correction ex- 

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