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Actual computation for analytical aerial trian-
gulation of the ideal grid plates begins with these
double reading values, being put into electronic
computer as raw materials.
A very remarkable and interesting fact in this
result is the systematic tendency of variation of
x-coordinates. Since we have not yet have time
enough to analyze this fact, we will only show it
here without treatment.
5-3. Actual example.
As an actual example, we will show here a
result of pure-analytical aerial triangulation made
for a strip which has been semi-analytically
triangulated previously.
Aviotar 210 mm.
5500 m. above sea level.
moutaineous, 1000 m. to
2800 m. above sea level.
4) Fleight-height base ratio. 2.8 to 4.0
5) Strip length. 10 models.
6) measuring machine. Autograph AT.
1) Camera.
2) Flight height.
3) Terrain form.
7) Point transfer device. KRP 60.
8) No. of control 6 points distributed as in
points the case of grid plate.
9) Discrepancies at common points of adjacent
models. Max. are in brackets.
X Y Z cm. cm. cm. cm.
Upper point +9 (19) +97 (157) +285 (501)
Middle point +3 ( 7) 16 ( 33) +139 (396)
Lower point +7 (20) +64 ( 94) +173 (396)
10) Mean relative errors compared with semi-
analytical results.
54cm. (166cm.) 104 cm. (315cm.) 200cm. (672cm.)
Total no. of check points is 58, including
double measurments at common points and
excluding two points at which large mis-
takes seem to have occured. Max. are in
Corresponding to fleight-height
base ratio, the errors of Z may
become 3 or 4 times larger than
that of x and ».
2. Above amounts of errors ap-
peared in two tables are almost
comparable to that appears in
practice of usual mechanical me-
11) Notes: 1.
6. Correction for film shrinkage.
Under the assumption that film shrinkage is
represented by displacements of fiducial marks at
the corners of the photograph, we can correct the
photographic coordinates as follows
y'-ayx-Fbyxy €,y t yo (15)
where (x, y) are originally measured photographic
coordinates and (x', y') are the corrected ones.
To determine the coefficients and constants of the
equation (15), we solve the simultaneous equations,
putting in (x, y) the measured coordinates of four
fiducial marks, and in (x’, y’) their correct ones.
Some important conclusions of our experiences
1. Our method for analytical aerial triangula-
tion may be applied in practical work with suffi-
cient accuracy, with the aid of point transfer
device and Autograph A7 used as a comparator.
2. For strip-or model-coordinates, base length
is a unit of length. This may have some advan-
tages for expressions of model accuracy.
3. It is able to obtain the orientation elements
of Autograph A8 prior to plotting. This will be
a greate advantages for plotting.
4. A problem concerning model deformation,
should be thoroughly investigated in futnre.
5. There may be some cases in which semi-
analytical method is more preferable in practice.
The writer is indebted to the president of our
Asia Air Survey company, Mr. Y. Yanagizawa,
who permitted the writer to present this short
paper to the congress, and whose kind advices and
encouragements for these 3 years have only en-
abled the writer to continue his research.
This paper is a prompt one and may be insuf-
ficient to show its content in detail. In early
future it will be permitted to publish the more
detailed results.
The writer is very much thankful also to pro-
fessor T. Maruyasu for his favourness to authorize
this work.
Many collaborators in our factory have endea-
voured for the accomplishment of this work, and
especially Mr. Y. Endo who, as a writer’s assistant,
has made many contributions for the programing
of electronic computer. Writer express his hearty
gratitude to their collaborations.
During these years an electronic computer NEAC
2203 has been put at our disposal by JEIDA (Ja-
pan Electronic-industry Development Association)
whose favourite helps are gratefully acknow-
1. We have only mentioned above about the
measurements of photographic coordinates by
Autograph A7, used as a single comparator. But
we may also use Autograph A7 as a stereo com-