Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

master, pipeline clock ne mm 
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n Stage n-1"" stage 1" stage 
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Vpn T7 7 (h ) Anz! Yign-3 Yi (hy) 
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Fig. 1. Systolic convolver array. (during cycle t) 
The compression filter realizes the convolution computation as 
follows (refer also to fig. 1): «it consists of a linear pipelined 
array of processor cells i, each of which contains a read/write 
register which can be loaded with one filter kernel coefficient hy. 
Each input datum x; is broadcast to all cells, where it is multiplied 
with the corresponding coefficient. This product is added to the 
partial result y;, which moves systolically through the processor 
chain, from the left to the right, and has been initialised to zero 
before entering the first stage. During each cycle, Ye accumulates 
one (datum * coefficient) product term, before it is passed to the 
following processor stage. Thus, the partial results have grown into 
full convolution results by the time they leave the pipeline. In 
table 2, for a number of computation cycles it is shown what happens 
in each stage, assuming a filter kernel length N = 3. 
From the table, it is seen that all inner product terms in which 
a particular input datum is involved, are calculated while the latter 
is broadcast to all cells. This avoids the necessity to store the 
input data stream. Systolic architectures which make use of broad- 
casting in order to distribute data are usually referred to as semi- 
systolic [3]. 

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