Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
range of scales for many types of surfaces. Studies of fractals 
in elevation surfaces have shown how they can be used to 
model bare earth terrain (Batty and Longley, 1994) at 
different resolutions on the basis of their self-repeating 
properties. However, this same argument is not directly 
transferable to the modelling of large scale urban surface 
form (say at the level of modelling buildings) due to the 
inherent complexity and lack of self-repeating structures at 
this level in urban areas. If urban surfaces cannot be 
modelled with fractals at these large scales, then it follows 
that we do not understand how the characteristics of these 
surfaces may alter at higher resolutions. In effect, this means 
that we do not understand how the pattern of interpolation 
errors may change for different grid resolutions. 
However, several global characteristics of the various 
surfaces created by different interpolation methods have been 
noted previously in the literature. Zinger et al (2002) 
commented that linear interpolation will tend to overly 
smooth and deform building edges. However, such general 
characteristics reveal little about the exact spatial pattern of 
error within a surface model. Lloyd and Atkinson (2002) 
further investigated the quantification of error within 
interpolated surfaces. The authors focused on a comparison 
of Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) and kriging 
interpolation, and quantified the inaccuracy in each surface. 
Such measures are useful general indicators of error within 
surface models, again however they do not reveal anything 
about the spatial pattern of errors across the surface. One of 
the most relevant comparisons of interpolation algorithms 
was that of Rees (2000) who investigated the interpolation of 
gridded DEMs to higher resolutions - whilst this study did 
not look at the interpolation of irregularly spaced data onto a 
regular grid (the subject of this paper) many of Rees' (2000) 
conclusions are nevertheless relevant. Rees (2000) concluded 
that simple bilincar and bicubic interpolations are adequate 
for most elevation model requirements in non-urban areas. 
Rees (2000) conclusions are tested within this study for urban 
1.2.2 Grid Spacing 
Whilst the effect of different interpolation methods on the 
form of the surface has been investigated in the past (eg. 
Zinger et al, 2002; Morgan and Habib, 2002; Lloyd and 
Atkinson, 2002; Smith et al, 2003a) there has been little 
research into the effect of changing grid size in the 
interpolation stage save for that of Behan (2000). Behan 
(2000) quantified error within models produced from 
different interpolation algorithms. It was found that the most 
accurate surfaces were created using grids which had a 
similar spacing to the original points. Behan's (2000) study 
looked at global or average error differences between two 
interpolation methods. 
1.3 Aim of the Investigation 
The investigation presented here quantifies the amount of 
model error introduced during the interpolation process, and 
specifically examines the pattern of errors created when 
modelling at different spatial resolutions. From previous 
literature it is known that the interpolation method and scale 
will influence the derived urban DSM, however we do not 
know to what extent. 
2.1 Creating the Surfaces 
2.1.1 The Data and the Study Area 
DSMs were created from a subset of a first return laser 
scanning dataset, supplied by the Environment Agency. The 
data were captured from an airborne sensor, at a point 
density of -2m. The area used for modelling is shown in 
Figure 1, which shows that this sample region comprises a 
complex roof structure (church), some bare earth, a flat roof 
and a variety of vegetation. Despite being a small area (1315 
points over a 80m by 50m region), the surface was 
considered to be representative of the typical types of 
structure found in the wider region. In addition, the 
investigation has been conducted over 2 more study areas to 
ensure the reliability of the results. 
Figure 1: Orthorectified photograph of the corresponding 
area. Aerial photography reproduced with permission of 
Ordnance Survey € Cc Ordnance Survey. All rights 
2.1.2 The Choice of Interpolation Methods 
There are many routines for spatial interpolation available 
and these have been widely documented in the past (Watson, 
1992). However, not all of the methods are suitable for 
elevation modelling from LiDAR data. In particular, for the 
urban surface environment where there are frequent 
discontinuities, local interpolation rather than global or fitted 
function methods are preferable in order that the local 
complexity in the surface be retained as much as possible. 
For this reason, this study compared only local deterministic 
interpolation techniques. 
2.4.3 Performing the Interpolation 
The raw points were first resampled onto a regular Im, 2m 
and 4m grid, using four interpolation methods: bilinear, 
bicubic, biharmonic splining, and nearest neighbour, and the 
resultant surface forms produced are shown below in Figure 
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