International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004
3.2 Varying the CA elements
in CA models, the transition of the cell is based on the
neighbourhood adopted in the CA simulation, since it affects
the cell state change. Finding the areas of influence on the state
of the cell is important for realistically modeling the urban land
use change. Therefore in this study the variations of
neighborhood size and type were examined to measure the
sensitivity of these CA elements.
Figure 1. Size and type of neighbourhood a. rectangular
neighborhood; b. circular neighbourhood; c. small rectangular
neighborhood (inner: 2 cells, outer: 4 cells); d. large rectangular
neighborhood (inner: 4 cells, outer: 8 cells); e. small circular
neighborhood (inner: 2 cells, outer: 4 cells): f. large circular
neighborhood (inner: 4 cells, outer: 8 cells)
3.2.1 Neighborhood type
The commonly used neighborhoods in the case of two-
dimensional raster-based CA models are Von Neumann,
rectangular — Moore, and circular neighbourhood. In this study
the rectangular and circular neighborhood types (Figure ! a. b).
were chosen in order to evaluate the effects of neighbourhood
type on simulation results. The impacts of these neighborhood
sizes on the CA model outcome were addressed for 50m, 100m,
250m. and 500m spatial resolutions.
3.2.2 Neighborhood size
In the literature. both smaller and larger neighborhood sizes
have been applied to the models of urban growth (Figure 1)
(Clarke and Gaydos, 1998, Wu 1998, White and Engelen, 1993
and 1997). However, no particular validation on what is the
appropriate neighborhood size (e.g. four or six cells in radius)
has been made in these urban model applications.
Furthermore, due to the bifractal characteristics of the cities, as
stated by White et al. (1997), White and Engelen (1993), and
Batty and Longley (1994), an urban area can be divided into
two zones. Inner zone corresponds to the area where the urban
growth is considered finished or slow dynamics of
transformations are expected. Otherwise, growth is considered
still ongoing or faster in the outer zone (White et al. 1997;
Barredo et al., 2003). In consideration of this fractal structure,
in this study two zones are defined in a neighborhood: inner and
outer on which development of the cell depends. Both the
rectangular (Figure | c, d) and circular. (Figure «le, :id)
neighborhood types were defined based on these two zones.
Two different sizes were specified to represent small and large
neighborhood size. The size of the small neighborhood is 2 cells
and of the large is 4 cells surrounding the central cell. The outer
size is also defined to contain 4 and 8 cells for small and large
neighborhood sizes, respectively. Therefore, small and large
neighborhood effects were compared with each other. The
impacts of these neighborhood sizes on the model outcome
were addressed for 50m, 100m, 250m, and 500m spatial
GIS-based urban CA simulations for San Diego Bay area were
produced for temporal interval of 10 years and by using one-
vear time increment. The results were obtained by varying the
neighbourhood size and type for different spatial resolutions
and the outcomes were compared using the integrated
approaches of sensitivity analysis.
The simulation results of different neighbourhood tvpes were
produced. It was observed from the results that the increase of
the cell size cause a decrease in KAPPA - from 0.93 for 50m to
0.66 for 500m. This indicates that variation of neighborhood
type does affect the discordance of the obtained map outputs.
Figure 2 represents the cross-tabulation map of circular and
rectangular neighbourhood simulations for 250m cell size. The
cross-tabulation map indicates the emergence of commercial
land-use areas when both rectangular and circular
neighborhoods are used. The class area graph (Figure 3a)
depicts the smaller discordances in generated surfaces for
commercial land-use type but bigger discordance for housing
land-use type. The graph of FD (Figure 3b) does not suggest
any major variation.
The pattern of discordance in class area spatial metric graph
was detected to have a tendency to increase in the simulation
results at 500m cell size. However, no significant discordances
were observed from the class area spatial metric graphs for 50m
and 100m cell sizes. For all other spatial resolutions, the similar
values of the FD were obtained.