Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, 
QuickBird  RMSE X,Y <> view angle 
(DTM spacing) dH 
$8.84 5 SS x» 
e e e e e e e N N N S SO 
40 —————— — y 16 
3.5 i A 1d = 
E 30 ttt 42 8 REFERENCES 
> 2.54 r= L4 
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oP its i eM iis , v ; + 3 
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SITES (model, no. of GCP) ^ 
of Ortho Imagery. 
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. ~* . ~ . % ace 
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Figure 5 ickBird RMSE 'ersus image view angle, for ite i i i 7 2 ii 
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different sites. The additional attached information concerns: vol.69, No.1, pp. 59-6 Ge 
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6. CONCLUSIONS 2001, University of Hanover, Hanover, Germany, Sept 19- lor 
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For Ikonos and QuickBird, the results meet the geometric forc 
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gneillats data was of a good quality, any increase in number of Kay S., Spruyt P., Kyriacos Alexandrou K., 2003. Geometric 
GCP's above the recommended level made no difference to The Ji, ^ dif rte ; thes 
; , = quality assessment of orthorectified vhr space image data. 
final accuracy. Based on the results obtained in the context of PE&RS May dete 
this trial, that in respect of using a limited number of GCPs, the I 
RPC based approach may be considered as very reasonable and Space Imaging, 2004. Ikonos products. 
practical solution applicable for single-image orthorectification http//www.spaceimaging.com/products/ikonos/geo techspec 
of VHR satellite images. For the images tested the view angle htm 
values up to 20.15? (Ikonos) gave acceptable results. http//www.spaceimaging.com/products/ikonos/geo ortho.h The 
Further tests are needed to check to which extent extreme tm (accessed 29 March 2004) the 
off-nadir angles can be used for successful orthorectification in io the i ; ; ent 
X 2 d d f : "U Aeprion : Toutin Th.. 2003. Geometric Correction of Remotely Sensed fico 
this type of applications. Since higher off-nadir angles permit ; a m^ ned ee 
d UI, this i aT Lh id Fa Images; Remote Sensing of Forest Environments: Concepts mai 
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Ke S ims is an qp uy . and Case Studies (Chapter 6), edited by: M.A. Wulder, S.E. cha 
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ancillary data. The visible influence of quality of ancillary data 
(DEM, GCP’s) on the accuracy caused also the partial masking Toutin Th., R. Chénier, Y. Carbonneau; 2002. 3D models for Anc 
of the other factors and made difficulties in clear identification high resolution images: examples with Quickbird, Ikonos that 
of possible complex relationships. and EROS. Archives of ISPRS Symposium, Comm. IV, buy 
For EROS, the results observed were at the limit of the Ottawa. Ontario, Canada, July 8-12, 2002, Vol. 43, Part 4, 200 
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scenes gave hicher RMSE values, however, the ancillary data ; i. ; : mea 
8 e A : E y D Toutin Th.: 2002. Error tracking in Ikonos geometric processing defi 
sets cannot be considered as optimal (low accuracy GCPs) die : > > es tone 
DA e aL ; : ^ using a 3D parametric model. Photogrammetric Engineering shox 
making it is difficult to formulate reasonable conclusions for & Re ic Senung Guily9 = f 
en e Sensing, 9, 
these cases. Nevertheless, the tests showed that for “vector mote Sess, o mm 
scenes" at least the twice as many GCPs are needed for ImageSat International. 2004. Products. ic 
orthorectification process, compared to a basic scene. http;//www.imagesatintl.com/productsservices/proddetail/pr proc 
The VHR validation program was a good opportunity to oducts.shtml (accessed 18 March 2004) prod 
make a test and validation in more operational mode. It brought nnn ic Accus If th 
. ^ . porn * 771 dani : cc ~ 3 e A ^Cu ~ 
a wide range of different experiences and results and can be Gradest T. Dial S: 2002. IKONOS Mp affe 
considered as important contribution to the ^ process of Validation. Proceedings of ISPRS Comision 5 we conf 
implementation of VHR satellite images in CAP oriented broad Symposium, Denver, CO, November 10-15, 200 and 
area applications. 
Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Due to the limited space available, we are only able to 
collectively thank all the contractors, image providers and 
administrations who took part in this testing program. 

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