ul 2004
2,3, 37-
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J. Clark and S. Robson
(jelark(@ge.ucl.ac.uk, srobson@ge.ucl.ac.uk)
Department of Geomatic Engineering,
University College London
Gower Street, London WCIE 6BT
KEY WORDS: Laser scanning, point cloud, accuracy testing, colour analysis, correction.
Several commercial manufacturers produce laser scanning systems capable of measuring the surfaces of objects to precisions of the
order of a few millimetres at ranges of between 2 and 200 meters. Experience on a number of projects has demonstrated significant
variations in the quality of point cloud data as a function of object surface reflectivity. This paper investigates the performance of a
Leica HDS2500 laser scanner in making measurements to a variety of surfaces of specified colour characteristics under laboratory
conditions. From the data obtained it is evident that significant systematic range discrepancies exist which can be broadly correlated
against the colour of each surface with respect to the wavelength of the laser used. Over the distances investigated a high correlation
between the point data quality measure returned by the scanner and the range discrepancy was observed, offering the possibility of
applying a correction to the data produced by a HDS2500 scanner. Such a correction, which is demonstrated to be applicable for
diffusely reflecting surfaces, can be carried out with data available to the end user in order to significantly improve scanner accuracy.
The Cyrax 2500 laser scanner, recently renamed the Leica
HDS2500, uses the time of flight principal to measure range by
observing the two-way travel time of a short pulse of laser light.
The range to the surface is measured if a sufficient amount of
pulse energy is reflected so that a signal is registered by the
scanner's photodetector. The electrical signal generated by the
detector must exceed a predefined threshold in order for the
return time to be observed [3].
The proportion of the pulse reflected depends on the properties
of the surface material and wavelength of the laser, which in the
case of the 2500 system is 532nm. Lichti and Harvey [3] noted
that the reflector-less nature of the system, and others of its
type, raise the possibility of range errors due to pulse
attenuation by the reflecting surface. Low reflectance results in
poor quality data capture with some areas missing data
completely or operating only effectively over a shorter range
[1]. The system can operate over distances of up to 100 metres,
although the recommended maximum range is 50 metres. Tests
have shown that the system is not capable of measuring
distances to materials with a low reflectivity beyond 50 metres
[2]. In addition, Johansson [2] also detected some loss of points
on these surfaces within the 50 metre range. In general it can be
assumed that a material with a good diffuse reflectance, at the
wavelength of the laser light being used, allows the capture of
good quality data.
For the 2500 system, Leica specify a single point positional
accuracy of +6mm (16) over a range of 1.5m to 50m, a distance
accuracy of +4mm (16) and an angular accuracy of +12”. The
modelled surface precision is quoted as 42mm subject to
modelling methodology. This specification can be accessed at
Www.leica.com and has been reported on and evaluated by
Tucker [6] and Boehler et al [7]. The work described in this
paper will use these values to assess system performance. As a
matter of note, the laser scanner used for this work had just
Teturned from a factory service.
Experiences at Plowman Craven and Associates (PCA)
Experience with the 2500 system on a variety of projects has
shown that scanning materials with different colours and
textures produces point clouds of varying quality. Visual
impressions, gained through modelling operations performed on
the point cloud data, convey the impression that surfaces of
lighter colour with higher reflectance provide the most
favourable results in terms of high point density and minimal
noise. Whilst this is to be expected, significant differences in
measured range between surface types have also been observed.
An example of this effect is the scanning of a large grey
aeroplane with a dark stripe painted along the side. The
resultant point cloud shows a false indent in the region of the
stripe of the order of two to three millimetres deep. This
suggests that the surface properties are affecting the laser’s
return signal in some way and therefore the range recorded by
the scanner.
Overview of Experiments
To investigate scanner measurement quality to different surface
types, a selection of standardised colour patches and selected
building materials were scanned at varying ranges and angles to
the scanner. In each case the resultant point cloud was analysed
to examine the effect of different colours and textures at each
This paper reports on results obtained from a small portion of
these laboratory tests namely those designed to investigate the
quality of the point cloud with respect to surface colour. Key to
repeatability and quantifiable nature of these tests are a set of
standardised colour reference surfaces. Such a set were
provided by a GretagMacbeth ColorChecker chart (Figure 1)
which is manufactured to provide a standard set of colour
patches with known spectral reflectance for the photographic
industry. For the purposes of these tests the chart was adhered to
a rigid planar surface to provide a planar object suitable for