Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
was scanned at increasingly greater angles. However, it should 
be noted that although the histograms for the chart scanned at 
60° exhibit the narrowest distribution, implying that a greater 
majority of points lie close or on the plane, the density of points 
captured is noticeably reduced. These results therefore suggest 
that for matt surfaces it could be preferable to scan an object at 
an angle of 20° to 40° to produce the optimal point cloud with a 
reduced proportion of noise compared to an object scanned 
normal to the scanner. These findings need to be validated 
further with real objects with different surface properties to 
ascertain if scanning an object at an angle significantly 
increases the precision of the dataset for practical purposes such 
as 3D modelling. 
Correlation with laser scanner data quality value 
The data was analysed to assess any relationship between colour 
patch reflectance at the laser wavelength, the data quality 
measurement recorded by the scanner and the range error. Any 
such relationship could be important in generating a correction 
method for the observed range discrepancies. 
Figure 8 demonstrates the difference in range measurement for 
each patch against the spectral reflectance value of each colour 
patch. Range offsets are recorded with respect to the Neutral 8 
grey patch. Colour patch spectral reflectance was derived 
according to the known spectral reflectance of each chart patch 
at the wavelength of the scanner's green laser [5]. A systematic, 
but non-linear, relationship between the two variables is 
apparent. Figure 9 shows a similar relationship between range 
offset and average scanner measurement quality value for each 
colour patch indicating that the quality measure is closely 
related to patch reflectance. In both cases the actual quality 
value recorded by the scanner was used rather than the 
normalised value which is used to colour code the resultant 
point cloud. 
o o o 
t3 Ln 
Offset (mm) 
M lI 
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 o 1 
4 t 
GretagM acbeth Colour Chart Value at 532nm 
Fig. 8: GretagMacbeth spectral reflectance value against patch 
offset (Neutral 8 reference) at position five (7.75m) 
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-600 -400 -200 20 00 
Average Measurement Quality Value 
Fig 9: Average scanner measurement quality value against patch 
offset (Neutral 8 reference) at position five (7.75m) 
The above figures show that there is a clear relationship 
between the error in range and the scanner’s measurement 
quality value. In general, as the offset from the Neutral 8 grey 
patch increases, the spectral reflectance and the quality values 
decrease. This information can be used to apply a correction to 
the range error, which could potentially increase range 
measurement accuracy. 
Development of a simple correction factor 
Figure 10 shows the quality measure recorded by the scanner 
against the patch offset from Neutral 8 for chart positions one to 
six. A cubic regression curve was fitted to each set of data. The 
curves fitted to the data fall into three groups, those from 
positions one to four (4.08m to 5.5m), those from positions five 
and six (7.75m and 9.5m) and those from positions seven to 
eight (14m to 24m). The reason behind this grouping is not fully 
understood without knowledge of manufacturer's calibration 
models. It is possible that the scanner applies discrete correction 
factors for different groups of ranges, which could account for 
the offset between the three sets of data. To test this hypothesis 
further it would be necessary to carry out the tests over both a 
greater range of distances and a denser sampling interval. 
Offset (mm) 
T T T 
-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 
r | Scanner Measurement Quality Value 
Position | 
Position 2 | 
Position 3 | 
Position 4 
Position 5 
Position 6 
Position 7 
Postion & 
eeression lines 
Fig 10: Nonlinear regression analysis for the intensity at 532nm 
and offset (from neutral 8 grey) for positions one to eight. Note 
the three distinctive groups of curves. 
In order to compute a correction factor that could be used for 
close range work, the average regression cubic curve was 
plotted for positions one to four corresponding to the first set of 
As ‘a test, corrections derived from the cubic regression curve 
were applied to the black patch point data at position one 
orthogonal to the scanner. A plane was fitted to the corrected 
points and analysed by creating a histogram of the residual 
values for each point. The histogram was the same shape and 
had very similar descriptive statistics to the original black patch 
data. However, the overall patch position had moved closer to 
the Neutral 8 grey patch. Therefore the corrected values for the 
black patch data had increased the accuracy, but had not 
increased the precision of the data. 
Similar corrections were applied to all of the colour chart 
patches including the pastel shades on the top two rows. Figure 
I'l allows visualisation of the results. After the correction has 
been applied the entire point set lie closer to the average plane 
fitted through all points. For example, the plane fitted to the 
black patch lies 2mm behind the average patch after the 
correction has been applied. In comparison the uncorrected 
black patch is positioned Smm behind the average plane. The 
points comprising the corrected colour chart (Figure 11) can be 
seen to be positioned nearer the plane than the uncorrected chart 
(Figure 3). The greyscale patches in the uncorrected point cloud 

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