Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
After previous experiments, it is possible to draw some new 
graphs using the same values. In Figure 8 these graphs has been 
shown. This figure is consisting of five graphs for each type of 
images used in this paper, in one diagram. In all of these graphs, 
x-axis introduces sampling methods with numbers of 1 to 5 that 
these are accordance to: SRS, STRAT, SYSTEM, SSUS and 
CS, and y-axis in graphs 8(a) shows the values of difference of 
means of overall accuracies with real values and in graphs 8(b) 
is the values of standard deviations from means.lt is seen that in 
all of images systematic sampling is clearly better than the other 
methods because of minimum values of mean differences 
(Figure 8(a)) and almost most uniform and small standard 
deviations (Figure 8(b)). Then with assurance this sampling 
schema produces suitable results in all of these images. 
sampling schema 
sampling schema 
Figure 8. The difference of average overall accuracies after 
stability with actual overall accuracies (a) and standard 
deviations from means (b) using all of sampling methods for all 
of images with 30 times repeating, each color shows results of 
using all of methods in one image 
On the other hand with graphically displaying the graphs of 
mean differences and standard deviations related to all of the 
sampling methods (graphs of Experiment#1 to 5) according to 
Figure 9, it is obvious that in image #2 that has small image size 
and small field size, in all of methods appropriate results are 
achieved. This image has the least differences in resulted mean 
differences (Figure 9(a)) and resulted standard deviations 
(Figure 9(b)), using all of the sampling schemas. 
03 fe 
image number image number 
Figure 9. The difference of average overall accuracies after 
stability with actual overall accuracies (a) and standard 
deviations from means (b) in all of images using 5 sampling 
methods with 30 times repeating, each color shows results of 
one sampling methods in all of images 
In addition to previous experiments and for confirmation of 
results, with sample size equal to 1000 as a confident sample 
size in each of sampling schemas, with one , 10 and 30 times 
caleulating of overall accuracies several graphs has been 
produced that because of similarity of results with previous 
graphs, it has been restrained from displaying of them. However 
it is important to be realized that with one time sampling and 
calculating of overall accuracy, the previous results are not 
achieved, because the problem of the chance of obtaining an 
unrepresentative sample which is always possible doesn’t 
eliminate. Then for assurance, these computations have to be 
done in repetitive manner and average of values must be 
considered as the final result (Hashemian. 2004). 
With due attention to experiments in this paper, several results 
are achieved. Here these results are summarized: 
l. With 50 to 70 samples for each class in all of images 
used in this paper, the results of overall accuracies go 
towards stability and the best results. Then 100 
samples for each class in image can be a reliable 
sample size. 
2. In images with large fields, SRS and STRAT methods 
overestimate the overall accuracy, but with SYSTEM 
and SSUS methods this problem doesn't exist. 
3. SRS method has the best results for images with small 
fields used in this paper. 
4. STRAT method produces better results in smaller 
study areas. 
SYSTEM schema is the more efficient method in large 
images with large fields. 
6.  SSUS schema is a more suitable method for accuracy 
assessment in images with large size. 
7. CS schema is not a suitable method in neither of the 
images used in this paper, and don’t have the good 
results on comparing with the other methods. 
8. Totally, the sampling schemas with systematic basis 
achieve rather more suitable results in all of images 
used in this paper. 
9. In image with small image size and small field size 
(images with good distribution of classes), it is 
expectable that the good results are produced from 
each of these sampling schemas. 
10. For achieving the best results, computations of 
accuracy assessment have to be done in repctitive 
manner and average of values be considered as final 
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Congalton, R.G., 1988. A Comparison of Sampling Schemes 
Used in Generation Error Matrices for Assessing the Accuracy 
of Maps Generated from Remotely  Sensed Data, 
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 54(5), pp. 
593 — 600. 
Congalton, R.G., 1991. A Review of Assessing the Accuracy of 
Classification of Remotely Sensed Data, Remote Sensing 
Environ, 37, pp. 35 - 46. 
Fatemi, S.B., 2002. Model-based Image Analysis of Remotely 
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techniques for classification of remote sensing data. MSc 
Thesis, KN Toosi University of Technology. 

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