Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
environments as well (Krotkov, 1994; Sutherland, 1994: Olson, 
2000; Cozman, 2000). Real-time applications are preferred 
(Atiya, 1993). To assistant robot localization, landmarks are 
selected or maps are built in the following applications: 
Shimshoni, 2002; Mouaddib, 2002; Betke, 1997; Davison, 2002; 
Olson, 2002. 
1.3 Approach 
Our goal is to generate terrain maps and orthophotos using 
Navcam and Pancam panoramic stereo images to support 
traverse design and to localize each rover by adjustment with 
cross-site tie points. 
The core of map generation is registration between intra-stereo 
and inter-stereo. images and spatial interpolation. For an 
unstructured extraterrestrial environment, features like edges 
and surfaces rarely exist, thus we select interest points as our 
features for matching. 
Interest points between intra-stereo image pairs are matched 
locally and verified globally. The verification of matching is a 
global matching process of two steps: first, elimination of large 
parallax outliers using a median filter in the vertical profile 
(perpendicular to the scanline) by assuming piecewise 
continuity, which is true for a natural terrain; second, detection 
of small parallax outliers by triangulating all points in the X-Y 
plane, back-projecting them onto the photo plane, and then 
checking disordering nodes. 
Interest points between inter-stereo image pairs are actually 
matched in 3-D. For each point there are four observations; this 
redundancy can be used to reliably eliminate outliers. 
Instead of finding parallax for every point in the image plane, 
which is inaccurate and unreliable for featureless areas, we 
interpolate the terrain surface in 3-D using highly reliable 
points. Kriging, for the close range, and Triangular Irregular 
Network (TIN), for the far range, are used for spatial 
Landmarks, such as rocks, are detected by projecting the 
interpolated DEM back onto a number of corresponding images 
and comparing the parallax difference. Rocks from different 
sites are matched by considering measurement and localization 
uncertainties. These rocks are then used as cross-site tic points 
to adjust the rover location through rigid transformation and 
bundle adjustment. 
At each of the rover landing sites, Gusev Crater and Meridiani 
Planum, three descent images (DIMES) were taken (from 
around 1400m, 1100m, and 800m elevation), which were used 
to form a vertical baseline configuration. Image parameters 
were: size 1024x512, resolution around 1m (lowest image), and 
coverage area lkmxlkm. Highly visible landmarks (15 for 
Gusev and 19 for Meridiani) were manually selected as control 
points in order to link the DIMES images to the MOC-NA (for 
the X-Y coordinates) and the MOLA image (for elevation). 
Then a bundle adjustment was performed to infer the 
parameters of the DIMES images. These control points also 
define a dual-directional bilinear transformation between the 
lowest, middle, and highest DIMES images. These images are 
then aligned by transformation, resampled to the same 
resolution, and registered along the epipolar line. 
Figure 1. DIMES images from the Gusev site; DEM: and the 
corresponding chromadepth map 
The 3-D coordinates of the matched points are calculated via 
spatial intersection. A small percent of the points are treated as 
blunders and eliminated using correlation coefficients and local 
terrain variations. The final DEM represents the general terrain, 
as shown in Figure 1. 
The mapping with robotic imagery involves the registration and 
verification of intra-stereo and inter-stereo imagery as well 
spatial interpolation with 3-D interest points. Figure 2 shows 
typical Navcam images from Mars (inter-stereo images are 
separated with black lines). Fórstner interest points (Fórstner, 
1986) are extracted from these images as features. Their 
number ranges from 300-1500 per image. 
Figure 2. Overlap of typical Mars Navcam images 
3.1  Intra-stereo Registration and Verification 
Intra-stereo points are interest points linking intra-stereo images. 
They are matched using block-matching and least-squares 
matching (Wang, 1990) applied with constraints such as 
epipolar and bi-directional uniqueness. The precision of 
matched parallax can reach a 1/3 pixel level. The left-hand 
image in Figure 3 shows an initial matching result. 
Since the number of interest points per image is around the 
number of image pixels per line n, and because for each interest 
point only several other points along the epipolar line needs to 
be checked, the overall matching process is O(»),, which can be 
implemented in real-time with low cost. 
To verify the match, parallaxes of matched interest points are 
ordered in the row direction, as shown in Figure 4 (left). The 
existence of outliers is obvious. Since an unstructured natural 
terrain is generally piece-wise continuous, parallax is 
monotonically decreasing from top to bottom. The distribution 
of parallax can be represented with several pieces of curves that 
can be derived by filtering the parallaxes with a median filter 
and then approximating it with cubic b-splines. By thresholding 
the parallaxes between matched pairs and the parallax curve, 
extreme outliers can be eliminated. The threshold is a function 
of distance and is set large enough to allow for the roughness of 

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