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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
It is an unstructured data set without even providing any
imagery of the surveyed area. Range data is a random collection
of a considerable number of 3D points, with no pattern pre-
defined, which are typically used for the generation of TINs
which basically, in terms of GIS analysis, translate into what we
define as a set of first order connections in vector domain, Le.,
spatial relationships between objects in direct contact. Using a
graph-based approach, we are planning to build up networks of
connectivity through these data sets that may allow the
performance of what we call higher order connections analysis,
ie, to investigate and understand the spatial relationships
between objects within the context of the whole scene rather
then within the context of their own neighbourhood.
1.4 An urban scene
Carrying out this sort of analysis in the context of an urban
scene is particularly challenging given its relatively small
component elements (such as, buildings, roads and intra-urban
open spaces) and their generally complex spatial pattern. In
fact, according to some authors (including Eyton, 1993, and
Barr & Barnsley, 1996, both cited in Barnsley and Barr, 1997)
the classification process of spatial information to produce land-
cover maps (maps of forms) for urban areas can be considered
fairly straight forward if we compare it with the process of
deriving information from those maps on urban land-use (maps
of functions). This is normally much more problematic namely
because land-use is an abstract concept: an amalgam of
economic, social and cultural factors defined in terms of
functions rather than in physical forms (Barnsley and Barr,
2.1 First order information retrieval
The LiDAR data set being used has got 3metre point spacing
and it contains both ground points and objects points reflected
from trees, buildings and other small objects above ground
level. The data set refers to a surveyed area (1470x1530m^) in
Southwest London (Kew), including the Public Records Office
and its neighbourhood, comprising a total of 169819 laser
points (vd. Figure 1).
SILiDAR points heights (im)
© 0.340000 - 2, 280000
2.280001 - 4.010000
4.010001 - 5, 100000
5.100001 - 6.610000
6.610001 - 8.430000
8.430001 - 10.760000
10.760001 - 13.390000
13.390001 - 16.740000
r 16.740001 - 21.470000
E e 21.470001 - 26.120000
Figure 1. LiDAR data set being used
(Kew, Southwest London).
* 999 0909000
As explained, our starting situation is an unstructured data set of
3D points, meaningless in terms of urban scene. To start
Structuring information and make it more explicit, some
topological information was brought in by establishing a
and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004
triangulated irregular network (TIN) through the given data set
(vd. Figure 2). In fact, the generation of the TIN was based
upon the Delaunay triangulation which, given the fact that it is
a maximal planar description of the given point set internal
structure (Kirkpatrick and Radke, 1983), expresses proximities
and neighbourhoods between the LiDAR points.
Elevations (m)
- 32.030
- 28.502
Figure 2. TIN generated from the LiDAR point set.
2.2 TIN facets classification
After the generation of a TIN from the cloud of LiDAR points,
which translates a set of first order information, two different
binary classifications (based on two different TIN facets slope
threshold) were applied to the TIN facets: one uses 60° slope
value; the other is an equal-interval classification using 45?
slope value. With the first classification, polygons of steep
facets (60°-90° slopes) were expected to outline buildings but,
as we can see on the left hand side of Figure 3, building entities
are not well defined. In order to obtain a better shape of these
entities, the second classification was carried out and its results
are shown on the right side of Figure 3.
“4 LEGEND ne |
: Slope | ^Y
% ie A | t Slope
RAS DO 0.60 P, Oo 0.4
r i:
S 3 31 EN! 60-90 <X nl AA iÁ BE: 45-90
wow : “ ^ 24 > m A ;
Figure 3. Two different classifications for the same area.
(60? vs. 45? degree slope thresholds).
As the range data available constitutes a very large data set, two
case studies were chosen amongst the total LiDAR data set: one
of which includes the Public Records Office and its surrounding
area, corresponding to a relatively simple urban scene (it is the
one showed in Figure 3); the other one corresponds to a much
more complex scene given the higher density of small size
urban features, buildings and trees.
To start with, the two binary classifications obtained for the
simple urban scene (Public Records Office and its surrounding
area) were compared and contrasted.
All the operations described above for the TIN facets
classification and the respective generation of polygonal