Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
and Hancock (2002) have associated to this methodology a 
Procrustean criterion for the solution of an alignment problem 
between configurations with a different number of vertices. 
Anyway, concerning the specific GIS and cartographic aspects, 
and the CAD/CAM related ones, the reported references do not 
provide a complete and satisfactory solution for the problem of 
identification of the correspondence between two or more sets 
of point coordinates. The above studies, in fact, have very 
general purposes, and give a correspondence solution also in the 
Case of very dissimilar configurations: consequently, these 
methods are inadequate for the correspondence problem 
The described procedure makes it possible to automatically 
recognise a given geometrical entity, represented by a finite 
number of vertices, into a more complex configuration, that can 
completely, or just partly, correspond with the entity taken into 
account. In more detail, the method allows both to identify and 
put in relation the single couples of homologous points of two 
representations of the same entity, and to establish the 
correspondence among points belonging to such entity and 
those ones belonging to the geometric configuration enclosing it 
entirely. For the two situations, the procedure just requires the 
knowledge of the vertex coordinates of the geometrical entities 
in the respective Cartesian reference systems. Therefore, the 
procedure can operate without the need that the points be 
acquired, or defined, according to a pre-fixed order, and also 
without the knowledge of any structural or topological 
information required to totally or partially characterise the 
connections among the various vertices. 
The procedure foresees two distinct operational sequences 
according to the kind of the problem treated. In one case the 
process carries out the recognition of the homologous points of 
two correspondent representations of the same geometrical 
entity, in a very simple and direct way, independently of the 
assumed coordinate system and of the reciprocal scale factor. In 
the second case the process solves the inclusion problem by 
means of a more general methodology, capable to identify a 
geometrical configuration completely contained within another 
one, more complex and more extended, also in the case in 
which the approximate knowledge of the mutual scale factor is 
not available. 
For both situations, the method is conceived on the use of 
mainly algebraic and geometric rules, and on the use of basic 
mathematical functions, chosen aiming to a fast and efficient 
software implementation. 
2.1 The comparison case 
The comparison problem considers generic — point 
configurations, describing in the various cases, geometrical 
entities of the specific application fields (cartographic, CAD, 
GIS and so on). The comparison problem rises when: 
- the geometrical entities considered are both composed of n 
points of known coordinates; 
- the correspondence is bi-univocal: therefore each point of one 
configuration finds a correspondent in the other, and vice versa. 
These conditions are necessary and sufficient: for the 
geometrical entities taken into account, further information is 
not required, like for instance the value of the mutual scale 
factor or the criterion by which the points are listed. For this 
procedure, each entity is represented by a geometrical 
configuration of points, without any information of structural or 
topological kind; every configuration is uniquely described by 
its vertex coordinates in a proper and independent 2D or 3D 
Cartesian reference system. If the geometrical configurations do 
not have axes or planes of symmetry. for which not unique 
solutions might happen, the procedure makes it possible to 
specify the correspondences between homologous points, also 
in the presence of errors in the coordinate values of the 
considered vertices. 
Before describing in detail every phase, it is necessary to 
premise some definitions, useful in the following explanations. 
Let us define “rigid link“ the segment joining two vertices (u, 
v) arbitrarily chosen, of a same configuration C. If C is 
characterised by 7 vertices, it follows that every vertex v 
belonging to C has r-1 rigid links defined with respect to the 
remaining vertices. Let us write as /;. the i rigid link referred to 
the vertex v, and also the length of the same link. 
Let us call "ordered set of rigid links* of the vertex v the 
following set: I. = {/,., by. ... lay) with Z, € lj. jj, and with i 
& m2. 
Let u and v be two vertices belonging to a generic configuration 
C of n points; let |, € I. be the respective ordered sets of the 
rigid links. Furthermore, let us define "homologous rigid links 
unconformity" of the vertices u and v the following value: 
A = II, ES [| = S zT | 
with 7, € I, and 7, € I, 
To each vertex v of a configuration C it can be associated a “ser 
of asymmetry distances that assumes the following form: 
D, ede sd 
n-2) f 
with d; — ae el els ini. n-, 
2.1.1 The direct method: Once defined the necessary tools, let 
us pass to the procedure description. The only available data for 
solving the comparison problem are the vertex coordinates 
characterising the geometrical configurations A and B, listed in 
the respective and homonymous matrices. 
An initial test tries to single out possible symmetrical axes. If 
symmetrical configurations are present, the comparison problem 
will be solved by the alternative general procedure, since there 
exists the possibility of not univocal solutions. 
The successive phase foresees the computation of the unknown 
scale factor. The estimate of the scale factor s that joins B to A 
is given by: 
trace(A WA) 
trace ( B'WB) 
where W = Lj'ijj' is applied to centre the original point 
coordinate values into their respective systems, j = [401 
is the unit vector of dimension equal to the number of points 
contained in A (or B), and I is the identity matrix. 
The scale factor can be removed pre-multiplying the point 
coordinates of the configuration B by the scalar s. 
The next step is to look for a particular vertex in one of the two 
configurations, for example in A. This is named “point of 
maximal asymmetry", and identified with the symbol ;4. Since 
the coordinate values are affected by errors, it is necessary to fix 
a "significant" threshold (A); the value of A, computed 
according to the length of the rigid links present in A, depends 
on the fixed tolerance values, or on the entity of the errors 
characterising the coordinates. 
Now let v be any vertex of A. Let us call *index of significance 
Of v" (1,,) the number of elements belonging to D, having a 
SR gE 

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