Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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M. Butenuth 
Institute of Photogrammetry and Geoln formation, University of Hannover 
Nienburger Str.1, D-30167 Hannover, Germany - butenuth@ipi.uni-hannover.de 
Theme Session 11 
KEY WORDS: Modelling, Integration, GIS, Image, Analysis, Vegetation, Extraction 
In this paper work on image analysis methods extracting field boundaries and wind erosion obstacles from aerial imagery is 
presented. Describing the objects of interest and additional GIS-dat 
overview of the numerous relations between the different objects 
à together in an integrated semantic model is essential to get an 
and how to exploit the prior knowledge. The strategy is derived 
from the modelled characteristics taking into account an automatic processing flow. The field boundaries and wind erosion obstacles 
are first extracted separately: A segmentation within selected regions of interest in the imagery leads to field areas, which are split, if 
necessary, to preliminary fields. Furthermore, a snake algorithm is initialized to correct the geometric inaccuracies in some parts 
yielding final field boundaries. Wind erosion obstacles are derived using DSM-data in addition to the imagery to verify search areas 
from the prior GIS knowledge, for example parallel and nearby roads, or to extract wind erosion obstacles without prior information 
about their location. Finally, a combined evaluation of the different objects is accomplished to exploit the modelled geometrical 
similarities resulting in a refined and integrated solution. Results of the different steps prove the potential of the proposed solution. 
In this paper work on image analysis methods extracting field 
boundaries and wind erosion obstacles from aerial imagery is 
described. This data is needed for various applications, such as 
the derivation of potential wind erosion risk fields for geo- 
scientific questions, which can be generated with additional 
input information about the prevailing wind direction and soil 
parameters, as described in (Thiermann et al. 2002). Another 
arca is the agricultural sector, where information about field 
geometry is important for tasks concerning precision farming or 
the monitoring of subsidies (Anderson et al. 1999, Grenzdórffer 
In the past, several investigations have been carried out 
regarding the automatic extraction of man-made objects such as 
buildings or roads, see for example (Baltsavias et al. 2001) and 
(Mayer 1998). Similarly, investigations regarding the extraction 
of trees have been accomplished, sec (Hill and Leckie 1999) for 
àn overview of approaches suitable for woodland and (Straub 
2003) for a method to extract trees not only capable for 
woodland but also in the open landscape. It has to be 
investigated, to what extent these approaches are usable for 
extracting wind erosion obstacles such as hedges or tree rows, 
and also which enhancements arc necessary to realize the 
proposed strategy here. 
In contrary, research with respect to the extraction of field 
boundaries from high resolution imagery is still not in an 
advanced phase: (Lócherbach 1998) presented an approach to 
update and refine topologically correct field boundaries by a 
fusion of raster-images and vector-map data. Focusing on the 
reconstruction of the geometry and features of the land-use 
units, the acquisition of new field boundaries is not discussed. 
In (Torre and Radeva 2000) a so called region competition 
approach is described, which extracts field boundaries from 
acrial images with a combination of region growing techniques 
and snakes. To initialize the process, seed regions have to be 
defined manually, which is a time and cost-intensive procedure. 
In (Aplin and Atkinson 2004) a technique for predicting 
missing field boundaries from satellite images is presented, 
using a comparison of modal land cover and local variance. The 
approach involves manual post processing, because only fields 
with a high likelihood of missing boundaries are identified, not 
field boundaries directly. The aim of the solution, presented in 
this paper, is a fully automatic extraction of field boundaries 
from high resolution aerial CIR-imagery. Consequently, the 
proposed strategy differs from the mentioned approaches. In 
addition, relationships between the objects of interest — field 
boundaries and wind erosion obstacles — will be exploited to 
improve the results. 
In general, the recognition of objects with the help of image 
analysis methods starts frequently with a modelling of the 
objects of interest and the surrounding scene. Furthermore, 
exploiting the context relations between different objects leads 
to a more overall and holistic description, see for example 
(Baumgartner et al. 1997) and (Butenuth et al. 2003). The use 
of prior knowledge (e.g. GIS-data) supporting object extraction 
can lead to better results as shown in (Baltsavias 2004) and 
(Bordes et al. 1996). These aspects are incorporated modelling 
the extraction of field boundaries and wind erosion obstacles 
and are reflected in the derived integrated strategy. 
Initially, the integration of vector and raster data in one 
semantic model is briefly described in the next section to obtain 
an overview of the numerous relations between the objects to be 
extracted and the prior knowledge. Afterwards, the strategy and 
approach to extract field boundaries and wind erosion obstacles 
is explained, followed by results to demonstrate the potential of 
the proposed solution. Finally, further work required is 
discussed in the conclusions. 

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