Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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002. GIS in 
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Nour el islam. BACHARI Salim .KHODJA, and Ahmed.Hafid. BELBACHIR 
Laboratoire d'Analvse et d'Application des Rayonnements (LAAR) 
Département de Physique, Université de Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran (USTO) 
B.P. 1505 EI-M'Nouar, Oran, 31000 Algeria. Bacharil 0@yahoo. fr 
Spectroscopy by satellite images has many new and exciting applications. Areas such as 
many others have great potential for new research advances using this technology. There 
that need to be addressed on a regular basis in order to achieve valuable research results. 
This work presents a multispectral analysis of natural targets behavior of a study area, using the TM sensor images (Thematic 
Mapper) on board the satellite LANDSAT 5. The spectral classification was done according to the following steps : 
a) spectral reduction by the Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) transformation, 
b) spatial reduction by the Pixel Purity Index (PPI) and 
agriculture, forestry, geology and 
are several common issues though, 
C) manual identification of the endmembers using the N-dimensional visualizer. 
These procedures allowed showing the kind of landscape that presents a strong correlation with geology. 
Keywords : Landast TM Multispectral Images, MNF transformation, PPI, endmembers, Reflectance spectrum, ENVI 
1- INTRODUCTION by its 6 channels images TM (Thematic Mapper 1, 2, 3, 
4, 5, 7). The infrared thermal channel TM6 will not be 
treated in our study. Here we will create Color-Ratio- 
Composite (CRC) Images using standard TM band-ratio 
images. This method tries to get around the limitations of 
relatively broad spectral bands in Landsat TM data by 
using ratios of bands to determine relative spectral slope 
between bands and thus the approximate shape of the 
spectral signature for each pixel. Common band-ratios 
With a multispectral analysis of an images collected by 
radiometers and detectors embarked on a satellite, one 
can make : " spectroscopy by satellite imagery ". 
Imaging spectrometers or "multispectral sensors" are 
remote sensing instruments that combine the spatial 
presentation of an imaging sensor with the analytical 
capabilities of a spectrometer. With a radiometer such as 
AVIRIS ^" Airborne  Visible/Infrared Imaging include: Band-Ratio 5/7 for Clays, Carbonates, 
Vegetation; Band-Ratio 3/1 for Iron Oxide; Band-Ratios 
2/4 or 3/4 for Vegetation; and Band-Ratio 5/4 also for 
Spectrometer " where the number of spectral bands 
exceeds the 200, and with a spectral resolution on the 
order of 10 nm or narrow, it can produce a complete 
spectrum for each pixel of the image. the case of this 
radiometer enters on the "Hyperspectral" field. In the 
case of our study, we are using the radiometer TM 
(Thematic Mapper), which is on board the satellite 
Landsat 5, and which only has 7 multispectral bands, 
With a spectral resolution on the order of 100 nm. Like 
finale result, one using the spectroscopy by satellite 
imagery, we can identify the spectra of various materials 
which are on various terrestrial surfaces. 
However there are several common issues though, that 
need to be addressed on a regular basis in order to 
achieve valuable research results. One always needs high 
quality data, the proper radiometric, geometric and 
atmospheric corrections, and appropriate analysis 
techniques in order to achieve acceptable results. The 
purpose of this work is to present and explain the main 
analysis techniques available for multispectral imagery. 
This will be done using ENVI 3.1 software (the 
Environment for Visualizing Images), which is a well- 
known hyperspectral analysis program. The analysis 
techniques will include : 
* minimum noise transformation, 
* pixel purity index and 
* n-dimensional visualization. 
Figure.1. shows the combination of 5/7, 3/1, 2/4 (RGB) 
results in an image in which clays/carbonates are 
magenta, iron oxides are green, and vegetation is red. 
Other ratio combinations and color schemes can be 
designed to highlight specific materials. 
In our Study, we will treat a satellite image representing a 
part of the region of Laghouat (Algeria), taken by the 
Satellite Landstat 5 on April 12, 2001. It is represented 
Since the goal of our work is to extract a reflectance 
spectrum, the treated image must be calibrated in 

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