Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, R 
Figure 3. Endmember selection using n-d visualzer 
After endmembers have been selected, comparisons can 
be made between the endmember spectra ( figure.4) and 
various library spectra. ENVI 3.1 provides several 
spectral libraries for comparison. In our study, we have 
chosen the USGS spectral library which contain a great 
number of mineral and vegetation Reflectance spectra. 
A pixel of coordinates (x,y) (row, line), presented by a 
Reflectance spectra traced in bleu, is identified with a 
mineral reflectance spectra traced in black. For example, 
we could now identify some mineral components of the 
Color-Ratio Composite Image of ratios 5/7, 3/1, and 2/4 
represented before in Figure 3 and (Table 1) 
Table I. Identification of some components of the color- 
ration composite image. 
Iron Oxyde 
Clays Carbonate Vegetation 
Illite 5 Dolomite Cuprites Lawn grass 
Glaucophane Cheat grass 
For vegetation, we have identified only two Reflectance 
spectra, in view of the fact that Laghouat is a sub-Saharan 
region (poor in vegetation). 
Spectroscopy by satellite images brings a new conception 
in remote sensing that enables the identification of the 
major scene components. [t has a great potential to aid 
numerous other fields of study. The success of research is 
very much dependent on the quality of data, correctness of 
data and the analysis techniques used. The employment of 
the sequence of MNF, PPI and n-D visualizer in the study 
arca allowed the identification of different mineral and 
vegetation. This work showed a possible cartography of 
soil occupation using objects spectral library and a 
Sequential technique in processing image. 
J.W. , Boardman & F A. , Kruse ; Thematic Coference on 
Geologic Remote Sensing, Environmetal Research 
Institute of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, I: 407-418; (1994); 
"Automated spectral analysis: A geologic example using 
AVIRIS data, noth Grapevine Mountais, Nevada". 
emote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
These spectra were measured on a custom-modified, 
computer-controlled Beckman spectrometer at the USGS 
Denver Spectroscopy Lab. Wavelength accuracy is on the 
order of 0.0005 micron (0.5 nm) in the near-IR and 
0.0002 micron (0.2 nm) in the visible. which we had 
recourse before, we can identify a great number of 
Spectra representing various minerals. 
él] n_D Mean: {M1} 
File Ed. Options Plot Functien 
Figure.4. Identification of endmembers reflectance 
spectra with a mineral reflectance spectra (using USGS 
spectral library 
en 1 PPI ({M23)-{M 3} 
d 5 T 
Figure 5. Score image for mineral/vegetation 
JW. , Boardman & F.A. , Kruse& R.O. Green : 
Summaries of the 5nd Annual JPL Airborne Geoscience 
Workshop, JPL Publication 95-1 Vol.1, pp. 23-26; (1995); 
“ Mapping target signatures via partial unmixing of 
AVIRIS data". 
J.W. , Boardman ; Summaries, Fourth JPL Airborne 
Geoscience Workshop, JPL Publication 93-26, v. 1, p. 11 
— 14; (1993); "Automated spectral unmixing of AVIRIS 
data using convex geometry concepts". 
ENVI ® Tutorials Copyright 1993-1998 Better Solutions 
Consulting LLC. 
A. ‚Fred & Kruse and al. ; Presented at the Fourth 
International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine 
and Coastal Environments, Orlando, Florida, 17 - 19 
March 1997; "Techniques Developed for Geologic 
Analysis of Hyperspectral Data Applied to Near-Shore 
Hyperspectral Ocean Data". 
O.A., de Carvalho Jr and al. " Sequential Minimum Noise 
Fraction Use: An Approach to Noise Elimination", 
Departamenteo de Geografia da Universidade de Brasilia. 

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