Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
R? 2 0,5845 
In spite of many troubles, satellite imagery can represent a new 
estimation biomass tool. In this way, we will be able to employ 
the natural resources in a sustainable way: so, we can to 
improve, for example, the forestry residuals management as 
energy renewable source (Favretto and Santoprete, 1994). 
| . 
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6. CONCLUSIONS Tucker, C.J., Vanpraet, C.L., Sharman, M.J., Van Ittersum, G., em 
1985. Satellite remote sensing of total herbaceous biomass S 
In this work we got some important advancements about the 
different (forestry and satellite) methods of wood biomass 
production in Senegalese Sahel: 1980-1984. Remote Sensing of The 
Environment, 17, pp. 233-249. 
In fact, we could compare ground data (obtained from cutting : Con 
: e = Acknowledgements. We would like to thank the Forestall 
ac ; ahi t A Andar > unde 
Lives m two small test areas) with by standard method Direction of Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region and Experimental deor 
(dendrometric table) of biomass estimation, Then, we found out Agriculture Sector of Pordenone Province for full collaboration; ve 
the poor precision of traditional forestry methods. However, the Biology Department (Dr. Napolitano) of Trieste University is 
some instruments (Alpine dendrometric table to estimate wood : PH > : . ; ««tarical 
. Be > ot] - ^ - a storica 
biomass) and biophysical indexes (LAI to estimate canopy) for LA data: the GeoNetLab of Geographical and Histories type 
qud Dnysic: qi a Shimane canos Department of Trieste University for technological support. crite 
showed: high accuracy. In research developments, these tools e 
; : : co 
can be used in order to have ground data, without ecological fro | 
Then, we could verify the high sensitivity of a vegetation index 
(NDVI) to wood biomass. This is very important when we use 
the satellite imagery to define forestall biomass, because it 
prove the remote sensing reliability. 

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