'anbul 2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Se
nsing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004
nilar classi.
reduces the
It must be
have been
he segmen-
natural boundaries (e.g. forest edges) were often imprecisely
delineated by the used triangulation algorithm. Large homoge-
neous areas were divided frequently. Simultaneously, effects of
the above-mentioned raster-to-vector conversion could be
found. Generally it can be pointed out, that the triangulation
algorithm often leads to straight segment boundaries or sections
: The Erdas
6) leads to
| land cover
ontrast were
of fields vs.
merged into
. inside only
egment size
uate and ho-
ions in terms
ndaries. The
| new version
> of the block
set freely in
ie image Size.
too. But the
sion ‘Image
Figure 7. Segmentation result of the ‘Minimum Entropy
resp. typical segment shapes which are closer to a human
SPRING 4.0: The segmentation results of the region growing
algorithm implemented in the image processing software
SPRING are showing a good overall impression (figure 8).
Homogeneous areas are delineated well but often over-
segmented. Heavily textured areas as forests are mostly under-
segmented. Sporadic segmentation mistakes occur. However,
the ease of operation as well as the data handling of the
software is insufficient. The implemented edge-based water-
shed-algorithm was also tested, but was leading to worse results
(strong over-segmentation) and was therefore not used for his
Figure 8. Segmentation result of SPRING 4.0.
4.2 Comparison based on reference areas
The overall results of all 20 reference areas are cumulated in
table 2. As shown in this table the results of SPRING,
eCogniton 2.1 and 3.0, InfoPACK and the ‚Minimum Entropy
Approach’ are reaching the best average area conformity.
Except for InfoPACK, the same result is shown in the case of
the average conformity of perimeter and the Shape Index. The
high conformity of the Shape Index in the case of the
Minimum Entropy Aproach' is affected by the segment shapes
resulting from the triangulation algorithm which is closer to
human interpretation.
Especially within the number of segments both versions of
eCognition revealed their strengths. Both led to the slightest
over-segmentation in this evaluation. In this regard the results
of SPRING could be rated as good. The results of the Erdas
Imagine extension ,Image Segmentation’ also reached a slight
number of segments, but due to strong differences of the other
values the result is indicating under-segmentation.
Segmentation program eCognitio eCognitio Data CAESAR | InfoPACK Image Seg- | Minimum | SPRING
n 2.1 n 3.0 Dissection 3.1 1.0 mentation | Entropy 4.0
Tools (for Erdas | Approach
Number of reference 20 20 20 10! 20 20 11' 20
Average difference of 2 a 3 2
area [%] 12,5 15,9 2100,3 75.1 11,1 107,0 13,6 8,2
Average difference of
: n 3 10,0 10,8
perimeter [94] 139 in? a S55 We m
Average difference of 5
= 3 3 : 7,1 10,0 11,7
Shape Index [%] 15,7 02 ii Es 2 i
Average number of
= 5,9 9,0 6,2
partial segments r9 Ls 1346 i: 7d
fe ——
Average quality, visual
, Visug 9 0,2 0,8 0,9
evaluated [0...2] La 09 i = os
———— PH
ba ; :
differing number due to partial incomplete segmentation results
n Entropy Ap
boundaries o!
More complet
Table 2. Cumulated results of all 20 reference areas.