Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 In 
The virtual community trials platform consists of community 3D In 
walkthrough system, community services system and | fu 
community management system, as illustrated in figure 2. pli 
— z— : re col 
Community 3D j Community services Community Management 
Walkthrough System system System We 
Community 3D realtime System maintenance (a) 
dynamical walkthrough ews 1Ssues Real estate management ; 
Community 2D map display Family services Owner management Fu 
a s ; Logistics services Charges management tria 
Community interactive Pr : 
query between spatial Community E-Commerce Administration management 
and attribute data Devices management 
[Ars Wii 
LE à mir 
| thai 
Community database ! 
| onli 
| edu 
(b) | othe 
Figure 2. Function structure of the virtual community trials Figure 3. (a) Community 3D outdoor scene (b) Community serv 
platform 3D indoor scene | syst 
5.1 Community 3D Walkthrough System 5.2 Community Services System | 
Interactive dynamical real-time walkthrough in a Virtual The Community services system includes some functions like | 
community is realized in the community 3D walkthrough system. — news issues, family services, logistics services, and community ' [1] 1 
A user can move forward or backward, turn left or right, even electronic commerce. Especially, community electronic Marl 
move into a building and step upstairs. We can record key commerce combined with community 3D scene can provide | PAA 
walkthrough position nodes to generate a walkthrough path, or online commodity sales and goods delivering services based on [2] E 
playback the 3D animation with a walkthrough path. Figure 3 3D environment. For example, community residents can order Syst: 
shows a community outdoor and indoor 3D scene. Meanwhile, commodities via community electronic commerce system, and of IV 
in the community 3D walkthrough system, we can implement community shops can deliver goods via the residence situation [3] J 
some functions like interactive query between a 3D graphics found from the 3D scene. cybe 
object and its attribute data, as well as analysis and computation. Com 
5.3 Community Management System [4] V 
The community management system includes some functions Centr 
like system maintenance, real estate management, owner Sydn 
management, charges management, administration managemen, |  [5]W 
| . » 7. 
devices management, and virescence management. We can Table 
interactively query residential information via doorplate number Proc. 
in the community management system combined with 3D scene 2000) 
[6] T. 

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