Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote 
GetCapabilities operation makes it possible that SCS 
can provide general information about service itself and 
specific information about available sensors and observables. 
The whole provided information by this operation is called 
metadata. The result of invoking GetCapabilities operation is 
an XML encoded document called Capabilities XML 
Using the GetObservation method, the SCS provides 
access to sensor observations and measurement data via a 
spatio-temperal query that can be filtered by observables. In 
addition, the SCS provides two other methods for retrieving 
detailed information about the sensors making those 
measurements and the platforms that carry the sensors. These 
are the Describe Sensor and Describe Platform operations. 
In the GIS world, information is used for research and 
manipulation everyday. This information comes from various 
sources from various times. Not all data that is in use is 
necessarily accurate, precise or up 10 date. But, how can one 
determine if it is of the accuracy, precision or as up to date as 
the project needs? This is determined simply through the use of 
metadata on the particular dataset in use. 
Metadata is data about the data itself. This information 
helps the user of the data to determine whether the information 
contained within the dataset will be useful or in good condition 
to be used, by examining the quality, content and condition that 
the data is in. The location of where to find the information can 
also be a key factor in the use of the data. If it has to be sent 
away for, but the data is needed in an instant, then that data will 
not be of good use as access is poor to the user. This has the 
same purpose as in a library catalog system. When searching 
for a document one looks for the title, year it was published, 
author, description, location to find the document and many 
other attributes of the document to determine whether the 
document is of any use [5]. 
It is obvious that each web service needs to be 
described and published to one or more Internet registry service 
so that the users can locate and bind. In fact, published 
information is metadata about service (Figure 3). OGC has 
determined the following roles for metadata: 
e Metadata specifies the characteristics of service 
provider. Service registry uses these characteristics to 
categorize service providers to support the find 
operation and Service requesters use them to match a 
service provider to their requirements. 
e Metadata specifies non-functional characteristics. 
Non-functional characteristics may be used to help a 
service requester find a service provider. 
e Metadata describes the interfaces used to access the 
service. The interface description includes its 
signature, allowed operations, data typing, and access 
protocols. Service requesters use this information to 
bind to the service provider and invoke its service 
using the published interfaces. 
Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
The need for format/protocols comes from data 
heterogeneity between different programs and systems that are 
working on the Internet. To success in transferring and sharing 
data on the Internet it is necessary that component of the 
network use a common and standard vocabulary 
(formats/protocols) for their data encoding. 
6.1. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) 
"The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the 
universal format for structured documents and data on the 
Web." [6]. 
The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is an 
extremely simple dialect (subset) of SGML the goal of which is 
to enable generic SGML to be served, received, and processed 
on the Web in the way that is now possible with HTML. XML 
has been designed for ease of implementation, and for 
interoperability with both SGML and HTML. 
XML documents are made up of storage units called 
entities, which contain either parsed or unparsed data. Parsed 
data is made up of characters, some of which form the 
character data in the document, and some of which form 
markup. Markup encodes a description of the documents 
storage layout and logical structure. XML provides a 
mechanism to impose constraints on the storage layout and 
logical structure. À software module called an XML processor 
is used to read XML documents and provide access to their 
content and structure. It is assumed that an XML processor is 
doing its work on behalf of another module, called the 
6.2. GML (Geographical Markup Language) 
GML is one of the most important elements in 
interoperability Program managed by Open GIS. It provides 
standardized components to encode geographic information. 
Geography Markup Language (GML) is an XML grammar 
written in XML Schema for the modeling, transport, and 
storage of geographic information developed by Open GIS. 
GML provides repository of schemas available on the 
Internet to support the encoding geographic information. 
Measurement.xsd and Value.xsd are the schemas, which supply 
the required elements to encode and describe sensor collection 
service observations and measurements. 
The main idea about measurement model comes from 
OGC feature model. Based on the OGC definition feature is the 
basic item for geographic information. A feature has a number 
of properties, some of which may be geometric and spatial. 
Within measurement model a measurement is defined as à 
specific feature type with particular properties to encoding in 
situ sensors observations. Measurement model determines 
resultOf, MeasuredAt and timestamp properties to encode 
observed value, type of observer (sensor), location © 
measurement, and time of measurement respectively. 
Value model provides elements required to encode 
observed value by the in-situ sensors. There are different kinds 
of classes for observed value. 
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