Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

Darka Mioc 4, Francois Anton b and Girija Dharmaraj à 
Department of Geomatics Engineering 
University of Calgary 
2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB, Canada, T2N 1N4 
mioc(@geomatics.ucalgary.ca, gdharmar@ucalgary.ca 
bDepartment of Computer Science 
University of Calgary 
2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB, Canada, T2N 1N4 
KEY WORDS: acquisition, GIS, integration, extraction, automation, triangulation, digitisation 
Data caption and conversion are two of the most costly operations of 
spatial data acquisition. They can represent up to 80 percent of the tot 
and costly operation, especially due to the lack of expli 
the batch processing of the whole map. Currently, comi 
simple scanned black and white maps. Various comme 
of the pixels forming the line, but these approaches have shown diff 
extraction in raster/vector conversion systems is based on 
settings, what causes difficulties in the extraction of com 
and complex intersections of linear features. The approach we 
basic spatial features from raster data. These spatial features can be use 
iis research is the definition of deterministic topological rules and algorithms 
. These spatial features can then be represented in different spatial 
data structure - the Voronoi diagram. The novel part of tl 
for extracting the spatial features from the Voronoi data structure 
data structures that can be implemented in 
data structures for integrated raster/vector models le 
a software toolkit for automated raster/vector conversion. 
using natural neighbour interpolation. In this paper we presen 
the skeleton extracted from the map features can approxin 
Voronoi cells, for the extraction of complex spatial features. 
data acquisition reducing significan 
In this paper we present an algorithm for raster to vector con- 
version of scanned maps using skeletonisation from Voronoi dia- 
gram. This involves sampling the scanned map irregularly using 
edge detection algorithms and then applying the natural neigh- 
bour interpolation. Since we are considering a scanned map in 
grayscale, the interpolant is the level of grey. 
In spatial interpolation, local techniques have been used in or- 
der to get an interpolation continuous at data points, and smooth 
around data points. In these local techniques, the data points 
which influence the interpolant are the ones neighbouring the 
given interpolation point. The interpolation is thus based on the 
definition of adjacency or of neighbourliness. In ID, the neigh- 
s given by the natural topology of the real line, in- 
al order. In 2D, there is no such relationship, and 
d by some topological struc- 
ation, that 
bourliness i 
duced by its tot 
the neighbourliness can be define 
ture. Such structures include the Delaunay triangul 
is the dual of the Voronoi diagram. The Delaunay triangulation 
in linear interpolation (which corre- 
e triangle or Barlett filter (Foley et 
que is the natural neighbour in- 
has been extensively used 
sponds to convoluting with th 
al.. 1996)). Another local techni 
terpolation (Sibson, 1981) based on local coordinates. 
These local coordinates were 
plex spatial features, for e 
use here is based on image processing filtering techniques to extract the 
a GIS. In this research we 
ading to the improvement of d 
The approach is based on computing the skeleton f 
t the algorithm for ske 
aate the centreline of the map object. We apply this algorithm directly on the 
This research can lead to the improvement of current practices in spatial 
introduced by Sibson (Sibson, 1980). 
any GIS, in terms of computer time and manual work needed for 
al implementation costs. Manual digitising is a very error prone 
cit topology in commercial GIS systems. Indeed, each map update might require 
nercial GIS do not offer completely automatic raster/vector conversion even for 
rcial raster/vector conversion products exist for the skeleto 
iculties with the extraction of good topology. The spatial feature 
line tracing algorithms. In order to operate they need user defined tolerances 
nisation or thinning 
xample: road junctions, curved or irregular lines 
d for the reconstruction of the image within the topological 
use the topological approach to develop new algorithms and 
ata caption and conversion in GIS and to develop 
rom Voronoi diagrams 
leton extraction from scanned maps. We show that 
tly the cost and amount of work needed. 
Local coordinates based on the Voronoi diagram are used in natu- 
ral neighbour interpolation (also studied in (Gold, 1994) as “stolen 
area” interpolation), to quantify the “neighbourliness” of data 
sites. The properties of these local coordinates have been exten- 
sively studied by Sibson (Sibson, 1980) and Piper (Piper, 1993), 
who gave a formula for the gradient of the volume stolen from 
neighbouring Voronoi regions due to the insertion of a query point, 
obtained from two directional derivatives. The natural neighbour 
or stolen area interpolation technique has been extended from or- 
dinary Voronoi diagrams to Voronoi diagrams for sets of points 
and line segments in (Anton et al., 1998). Anton et al. (Anton et 
al.. 1998) extended the results presented in Gold and Roos (Gold 
and Roos, 1994), by providing direct vectorial formulas for the 
first order and second order derivatives for the stolen area. The 
analysis presented in (Anton et al., 1998) generalises the analysis 
of Piper (Piper, 1993) based on the formalism of partial deriva- 
tives, to the formalism of derivatives of a function on a normed 
roduce the concept of Voronoi diagrams ofa 
In section 2, we int 
ationship between the 
set of points. In section 3 we present the rel 
skeleton and the Voronoi diagram. In section 4 we present three 
different techniques to sample the scanned map irregularly for 
. [n section 5, we present the nat- 
detecting the edges in the map 
ural neighbour interpolation technique. In section 6, we pr 
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