Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote § 
our centreline algorithm that uses the natural neighbour interpo- 
lation technique and skeletonisation. In section 7 we present the 
experimental results. Finally, in section 8 we present discussion. 
Let us first introduce the definition of the Voronoi diagram for a 
set of sites (i.e. objects) in the Euclidean plane. 
Definition 1. Let O be a set of sites in the Euclidean plane. For 
each site o of O, the Voronoi cell V (0) of o is the set of points 
that are closer to o than to other sites of O. The Voronoi diagram 
V (O) is the space partition induced by Voronoi cells. 
Then let us introduce the definition of the Delaunay triangulation 
of a set of sites (or objects) in the Euclidean plane. 
Definition 2. The Delaunay triangulation of O is the geometric 
dual of the Voronoi diagram of O: two sites of O are linked by 
an edge in the Delaunay triangulation if and only if their cells are 
incident in the Voronoi diagram of O. 
A very illustrative definition of the skeleton is given by the prairie- 
fire analogy: the boundary of an object is set on fire and the skele- 
ton is the loci where the fire fronts meet and quench each other. 
Imagine a fire along all edges of the polygon, burning inward 
at a constant speed. The skeleton (Skiena, 1997) is marked by 
all points where two or more fires meet. This operation is also 
called the medial-axis transformation and is useful in thinning a 
polygon, or, as is sometimes called, finding its skeleton (Skiena, 
1997). Another approach to compute skeletons is based on the 
Voronoi diagram. The medial-axis transform of a polygon P is 
simply the portion of the line-segment Voronoi diagram that lies 
within 7. 
The simplest and most readily implementable thinning algorithm 
(Skiena, 1997) starts at each vertex of the polygon and grows 
the skeleton inward with an edge bisecting the angle between the 
two neighboring edges. Eventually, these two edges meet at an 
internal vertex, a point equally far from three line segments. One 
of the three is now enclosed within a cell, while a bisector of 
the two surviving segments grows out from the internal vertex. 
This process repeats until all edges terminate in vertices (Skiena, 
1997). The Voronoi diagram of a discrete set of points (called 
generating points) is the partition of the given space into cells so 
that each cell contains exactly one generating point and it is the 
locus of all points which are nearer to this generating point than 
to other generating points. 
Each polygon formed by edges of the map has sample points near 
its boundary. If the density of the boundary points (as generat- 
ing points) goes to infinity then the boundary of the union of all 
the Voronoi zones belonging to points of the same polygon con- 
verges to that polygon. The boundaries between Voronoi zones 
belonging to points of different polygons converges towards the 
skeleton of the objects in the polygon. This property is impor- 
tant in designing the algorithms for sampling the map features on 
the scanned maps. In the next section we will present the edge 
detection algorithms that we used for sampling the images. 
ensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
are built are: the derivative in the direction of the gradient, the 
Laplacian, the directional derivatives and the statistical differenc- 
We select the data points where the variation of the intensity is 
the highest i.e. at the edges. In order to get sample points around 
the high frequency changes in the image we use two edge detec- 
tion algorithms based on the Laplacian and one edge detection 
algorithm based on the derivative in the direction of the gradient. 
The gradient is the first order differential of the interpolant at the 
point. The derivative in the direction of the gradient gives the 
highest variation of the interpolant (in our case the level of grey) 
at the point. This derivative in the direction of the gradient equals 
to the highest magnitude of the derivative. i.e. the square root of 
the sum of the squares of the derivatives in any pair of orthogonal 
x 215 
directions, e.g. |n" + (557 . This is a well behaved 
function used in image sharpening and edge detection. In the 
gradient based sampling that we used, we took the square root of 
the sum of the square ofthe difference between the row above and 
the row below the pixel, and the square of the difference between 
the strip on the left and right of the pixel. 
The Laplacian (v* zr D 
5:2 y? ) is proportional to the varia- 
tion of the derivative of the interpolant at the point with respect to 
an annulus centered at the point. We used two different computa- 
tions for the Laplacian, the standard Laplacian, and an alternative 
Laplacian where the “annulus” is composed of eight pixels in- 
stead of four. In this alternative Laplacian, a = actor is used to 
compensate for the wider diagonal pixel separation. These two 
Laplacian based sampling techniques are the other two sampling 
techniques we used in our experimentation. 
Figure 1: Annulus of 4 pixels 
Figure 2: Annulus of 8 pixels 
The sampling consists in selecting all the pixels whose derivative 
operator value is bigger than some threshold. After the image is 
irregularly sampled, the Voronoi diagram (and its dual graph: the 
regularly for 
:sent the nat- 
5. we present 
There are a wide variety of edge detection algorithms that exists, 
but the set of basic tools on which most of the general algorithms 

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