Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
called scale-less or scale-free with a single maintenance procedure 
(Muller, 1995) that is appropriate for multi-purpose applications. In 
this regard, derivative mapping is considered the most cost effective 
and efficient method to derive multiple scale maps and GEODATA, 
from a master detailed database to satisfy the map content 
requirements of a specific application (Kazemi, 2003). 
A major advantage of database generalization is reduction in the cost 
and workload of the manual process once the database is highly 
structured and attributed. It selects the set of features or attributes and 
chooses an approximate level of generalization, then employs 
generalization operators/algorithms, and finally post-processes the 
dataset. This limits the degree of human intervention. However, 
cartographic — generalization renders — the features for 
display/visualization as a means of communication that is a 
subjective process since cartographers should satisfy the basic 
requirements for graphic clarity and legibility, as well as analyzing 
the relevance of map features, including their geometric and semantic 
attributes by applying generalization operations (Meng, 1997). 
Furthermore, reducing the number of features in database 
generalization is a key task that can be accomplished by six major 
operations based on the geometric, semantic relationships, and 
database constraints that are well documented in the literature (e.g. 
MeMaster and Shea, 1989 and 1992). These include simplification 
(line generalization), aggregation (combination geometrically and 
thematically), symbolization (for line, polyline and point), feature 
selection (elimination and delete), exaggeration (enlargement) and 
displacement or moving objects (Oosterom, 1995). 
In cartographic generalization a cartographer chooses features from a 
larger scale map to be shown on a smaller scale map through 
modifications to filter out detailed information, while maintaining a 
constant density of information by considering purposes of the map 
(Davis and Laender, 1999). A drawback of this approach is that this 
generalization is based on a cartographer's skills, including his/her 
visual/aesthetic sense (e.g. clarity, readability, ease of interpretation) 
and the lack of extensibility for multiple representations in GIS. The 
way forward is incorporation of a data modelling process, as it 
provides a detailed description of the database structure, or the so- 
called schema. A main advantage of this approach is a reduction in 
spatial and semantic resolutions, which permits both a spatial 
analysis and map production. For example, Jiang and Claramunt 
(2002) proposed a generalization model of an urban street network 
that aims to retain the central structure of a street network by relying 
on a structural representation of this data employing graph modelling 
principles (e.g. Gross and Yellen, 1999). The proposed method 
provides a flexible interactive solution to a street network because it 
incorporates the concept of a hierarchy-based generalization in terms 
of connectivity to an average path, length and measures. Peter and 
Wiebel (1999) identified several measures, such as size, distance and 
proximity, shape, topological, density, distribution, pattern and 
alignment, as a set of generic constraints that need to be applied to 
database generalization. Therefore it is suggested that selection of 
appropriate algorithms and prioritizing of constraints needs to be 
studied. A series of selection rules emerged for road networks, such 
as if the average segment length of a street is less than a given 
threshold, then keep it in a database, otherwise delete it. 
Shortcomings of the graph theory approach are geometric aspects of 
coalescence as well as imperceptibility, and semantic perspectives 
(e.g. avoiding large detours that are not clearly explained). Kreveld 
and Peschier (1998) used this method for road network 
In this regard, multi-resolution spatial databases provide the ability to 
represent objects in multiple representations tailored towards the 
requirements of different users, especially for web applications. It 
should preserve spatial relations throughout scale changes (Tryfona 
and Egenhofer, 1996). Generally there is a direct linear relationship 
between scale changes and the amount of generalization (Kerveld, 
2001). Continuous map scale change is already operational on 
modern computers and so technological developments will soon 
provide this capability for web cartography (Karaak and Brown, 
2001; cited by Kerveld, 2001). With reference to linear features, note 
that a consistent representation of networks such as roads needs to be 
considered through two major criteria, including: (a) when small 
changes take place from the one level to the next, and (b) when long 
changes accrue (Tryfona and Egenhofer, 1996). An example of such 
change is presented by Kazemi (2003). Ibid (2003) commented on 
the potential for developing a conceptual model for an object- 
oriented continuous master database, multi-scale and multi-purpose 
database that enables derivative mapping. 
There are no standard definitions for generalization operations, and 
each researcher has defined them based on his/her perspectives or 
application area (Cecconi et al, 2000). However, McMaster and 
Shea (1992) defined twelve operations, with special emphasis on 
digital cartography, with the first ten operators based on graphical 
representations, with the last two operators are attributes of the 
spatial objects. The applications of some of these operations define 
generic rules, whereas some are just used by cartographers in a 
subjective manner (Davis and Laender, 1999) due to different feature 
type geometry. Thus, a definition of each of the operators could have 
different meanings in terms of the feature type, e.g. area elimination 
of vegetation features and elimination of hydrographic features. Lee 
(1993) examined operational consequences and developed criteria 
through formalizing workflow using the MG Integraph software 
product for generalization of areal, linear and point features. Results 
are presented at 1:100,000 scale, by which the amount of information 
kept in the final map was comparable to the real work. Again, there is 
no holistic or even ideal sequence for the utilization of these 
operations. However, Monmonier and McMaster (1991) claimed 
there are sequential effects of the operations in cartographic line 
generalization, but have not received much support from others as 
each of the operations may serve a specific generalization problem. 
Typically the intention is to break down the generalization process 
into sub-processes, and later combining several operators to build a 
more robust generalization workflow. Also Cecconi ef al.. (2000) 
evaluated and integrated generalization operations to improve 
automated generalization for on-demand web mapping trom multi- 
scale databases. This is an excellent example of recent work on 
combining existing generalization algorithms for an operational 
environment for on-the-fly map generalization. To date commercial 
GIS tools have incorporated many of these operations, but some of 
these operations (e.g. displacement, exaggeration) are still in an 
experimental form since they are strongly based on a cartographer's 
intuition. For example, ESRI's recent object-oriented ArcGIS 
software (version 9.0) provides a spatial framework to support 
eneralization needs by introducing geoprocessing concepts and map 
:eneralization tools that have been enhanced and implemented in a 
geoprocessing framework (Lee, 2003). 
Typically current GIS software applications offer both line 
generalization and area generalization algorithms. Since the focus of 
this rescarch is on road network generalization, this paper only 
highlights some of relevant literature on linear features (Skopeliti and 
Tsoulos, 2001). Linear feature generalization plays an important role 
in GIS (Barrault, 1995; Forghani, 2000; Skopeliti and Tsoulos, 2001). 
Several algorithms have been developed to simplify lines. McMaster 
(1989) classified the processing of linear features into five major 
algorithmic categories: (a) independent point algorithms of map 
generalization where a mathematical relationship between 
neighbouring pairs of points is not established; (b) local processing 
routines that apply the characteristics of immediate neighbouring 
points to determine selection; (c) extended local processing routines 
that apply distance, angle, or number of points to search beyond 
neighbouring points; (d) extended local processing routines that use 
morphologic complexity of the line to search beyond neighbouring 
points; and (e) global routines that take into account the entire line or 
specified segment. However, none of these methods leads to an 
automated generalization mechanism. 
One of the revolutions in generalization was the development of an 
algorithm by Douglas and Peucker (1973) and Duda and Hart (1973) 
(iterative endpoint fit). This algorithm is regarded by many as the 
best of the line generalization algorithms incorporated into GIS tools 
(e.g. Visvalingham and Whyatt, 1993). It should be noted that the 
underlying concept of the Douglas and Peucker algorithm comes 
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