Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
information service 
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Figure 3: Modelling dimensions 
e data elements; 
e processing elements; and 
e connecting elements. 
The data elements represent the information that is used, 
manipulated and/or generated by the system. The process 
elements represent the geo-processing capabilities of the 
GSI system, which can perform transformations on data el- 
ements. The connecting elements are like mediators, they 
represent the relationships between other elements. The 
connecting elements represent the conditions and con- 
straints that define how the different elements may inter- 
act and how they are organised with respect to each other 
in a service specification. A similar approach to system el- 
ements can be found in (Perry and Wolf, 1992, Fielding, 
To illustrate the differences between these elements we can 
use metaphorical example. Consider the games of soccer 
and handball. The two games are similar in structure, they 
use a ball as data element and players as processing ele- 
ments. The difference between them lies in how these ele- 
ments are allowed to interact with each other, which are the 
context and rules of the games (the connecting elements). 
These connecting elements are defined by game designers 
based on what they want to achieve with the interactions. 
Separation of concerns is the principle behind this mod- 
elling dimensions. For example, by separating the con- 
cerns on the nature and state of data from the data process- 
ing concerns, we simplify the processing elements allow- 
ing them to change and evolve independently. In the same 
way portability of the data is improved by avoiding that 
the data remain encapsulated and hidden within process- 
ing elements. However, the drawback is that we lose the 
advantages of information hiding and therefore a mecha- 
nism is required for processing elements to identify and 
understand the data types. 
The origin of the reference system determined by the mod- 
elling dimensions in Figure 3 represents the starting point 
of a development process. The process is activated by a 
design problem. Design problems represent the various 
inputs (requests) to the GSI system that have to be con- 
verted into services. A service has to be specified before 
it can be realised. The path taken through the cube shown 
in Figure 3 corresponds to the functional specification of a 
service that satisfies a specific design problem using an ap- 
propriate arrangement of components. The execution ofa 
predefined service specification generates the desired ser- 
Our approach to geo-information services design focuses 
on the use of conceptual models as an intermediate step 
in the development process, which sit in between require- 
ments and the actual implementation. The purpose of this 
step is to obtain a conceptual description also called ab- 
stract specification of system functions (internal or exter- 
nal). This is done solely to enable and facilitate reuse and 
to enhance flexibility. 
The main benefit of these models is to serve as the basis for 
the specification of complex services. If a model properly 
describes an architectural element, that is, with the rele- 
vant information at the correct level of detail to enable one 
to determine what it does and how to access the function 
it provides, then this architectural element can be easily 
reused. By reuse of architectural elements, we mean the 
inclusion of previously designed element in multiple ser- 
vice definitions. We use constraint-oriented composition to 
combine multiple architectural elements (Morales Guarin, 
2004). This way it is possible to assemble large processing 
chains by correctly combining models of (generic) archi- 
tectural elements to form more specialised specifications 
(service models) with the intention of provide more spe- 
cific or particular services (see Figure 4). 
Since the models of architectural elements prescribe the 
behaviour exhibited by individual elements, a service model 
can be used to choreograph the realisation of the service 
specified in the model. Additionally, once a service model 
is available it can itself be reused, as a generic element, in 
another definition as a part of a yet more specialised ser- 
vice. Reuse and flexibility is ultimately achieved by devel- 
oping, sharing and integrating well-defined models of all 
composing elements of the system. 
For this approach to work, models need not only to be 
interchanged between participants, but they also have to 
be understood by all parties involved. This can only be 
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Figure 4: Architectural elements, element models and ser- 
vice models 
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