International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote S
Serpentinite (fig. 5). Min value: -0.12; max. value:
*0.11; mean: 0; st. dev.: 0.014.
Observing fig. 4a and 5a and considering the given statistical
information, we would like to say that:
Biotite. Checking the pixel numbers of fig. 4 we
found out that the pixels « 0 are 1286080 over a
whole of 3428880. We think to explain this error by
the topographic features of the image (which caused
some over lighting problems in the satellite scene).
The normal distribution of the absolute frequencies
(fig. 4a), suggests to classify the thematic layer in
three classes. Medium class is built summing and
subtracting from the mean value the st. dev. value
(0.005 + 0.041): high class is made by values
>=0.046; low class by values <= -0.036. You can see
the said classification in fig. 6.
alla BE bos -0.046
media -0.036<bio<0.046
bassa bio<=-0.036
Figure 6. Three classification levels of the Biotite
concentration (see text for more details)
We think that the high Biotite concentration areas
could be enough correct while the low Biotite
concentration areas may be not. We think that some
pre processing procedures applied to the ASTER
sensor image could correct the classification of the
low concentration areas. These are: atmospheric and
topographic corrections (which should low the errors
caused by the morphology of the land — shadow areas,
CEM pixels «0).
Serpentinite. Similarly to the Biotite case, the high
number of pixel «0 (1478102 over a whole of
3428880) is also attributed to the light condition of
the image (land morphology).
We classified the image in three classes, using the
same rules of the previous example (Biotite).
Considering the mean and the st. dev. values
(respectively 0 and -0.014) these are the three
obtained ranges: low: serp. <= -0014; medium: -
ensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004
0.014<serp.<0.014; high: serp. >= 0.014. You can see
the said classification in fig. 7. As in the previous
case, we think that the high Serpentinite concentration
areas are enough correct, while the low Serpentinite
concentration areas should be corrected with the said
pre processing procedures.
alla serpy =0.014
media [ 014<serpel. 014
Dassa serpc 21.014
Figure 7. Three classification levels of the Serpentinite
concentration (see text for more details).
4. Results and conclusions
At last we ran the so called “Matrix” procedure. This procedure
overlays the thematic layers of fig. 6 and 7 (Biotite and
Serpentinite concentrations by the CEM algorithm) in order to
point out all the possible combinations among the classes. Fig. 8
shows in pink the high Biotite and low Serpenite areas; in violet
are drawn instead the low Biotite and high Serpentinite areas.
In order to make a first classification check, we overlaid on the
pink and the violet areas two vector layers, which were drawn
on the basis of the PNRA map. The yellow vector layer shows
the Biotite areas (GHGr), while the green one, the Serpentinite
areas (GHGa).
We would like to note that:
e Especially in the case of the. low mineral
concentrations, we think that the pink and violet areas
may be overestimated. This fact may have happened
because of shadow zones existence in the raw data
satellite scene. In fact we saw that the CEM algorithm
tends to consider the shadow zones as mineral low
concentration ones.
e In the case of the isolated pixel existence inside the
icy areas, we think that these pixels may show
morenic settlements instead of emerged rocks. We
intend at this aim to refine our classification on the
basis of this hypothesis.