Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
The DEM25 has to be available in the year 2004. There- 
fore, a first release of the DEM is terminated for the third 
quarter of the year. The release will solve the biggest diffe- 
rence problems, but because of some data acquisition still 
in progress there are regions with a lower accuracy than the 
accuracy aimed at of +1 to +3 m. Within the next years the 
DEM will be improved more and more, because of promi- 
sed updates of the states. 
For calculating flooding predictions it is planned to sup- 
plement the DEM25 with a high-resolution DEM with an 
accuracy of at least 0,5 m for these possible flooding regi- 
ons. But for this project the specifications of the flooding 
ping areas and the accuracy needed have not been defined as yet. 
AdV, 2001. AdV-MetalnformationSystem. 
http://www.atkis.de/metainfo (last accessed May 2004). 
Hovenbitzer, M., Kolb, W. and Schulz, B., 2004. Das 
DGM25-D - Stand, Konzept, Perspektiven. Mitteilungen 
des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Band 27, 
Frankfurt, Germany, to appear. 

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