Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
The used classifier uses four features that are calculated for each 
e A measurement for the shadiness, 
e a measurement for the uniformity, 
e a measurement for the contour angularity and 
e a measurement for straight contour lines. 
The shadiness is calculated by use of the grey value histogram 
see in figure 5. The threshold ¢ in equation | is defined as the 
first local minimum in the grey value histogram H(i), where ? 
is the grey value. The measurement is the ratio of shade pixels 
to all pixels in the image. Buildings cause a characteristic high 
shadiness in inhabited areas regions. 
t ; 
t HG) 
shadiness = = (1) 
The uniformity is calculated by a mean a of the local variances 
c2 of the image grey values. In figure 5 a contour image is shown 
that is calculated from the local variance matrix with a threshold 
uniformity = Mma (02) (2) 
The calculation of a measurement of angularity is based on a lin- 
ear Hough transformation for straight lines ( Duda and Hart, 1972) 
of the contour image (cp. Hough space in figure 5). A straight 
line forms a local maximum in the Hough space, orthogonal lines 
form maxima in the Hough space. The values of the Hough space 
are totalized over the angle and illustrated as a histogram in fig- 
ure 5. The discrete Fourier transformation (DFT) is calculated 
in the next step and the DFT (k = 2) is taken as a measurement 
for the angularity, because vertical lines have an angle distance of 
90? in the Hough space. 
DFT(k — 2) 
angularity — 
The calculation of a measurement of straight contour lines 
M SCL is done by searching local maxima in the Hough space 
H S (x, y) because straight lines shape a local maximum in the 
Hough space. The results of the region based classifier are shown 
in figure 7 and discussed in chapter 4. The results for the years 
1988 and 2001 are achieved in two ways with and without use of 
a previous classification. 
S acis HS(z, y) (4) 
(size(H S(x, y))? 
parallel sun beams \ 
. \ \ 
/ zenith angle sz 
pad azimut angle sa ut : 
7 > 
nadow area 
Figure 6: Illumination Model for Buildings 
3.1.2 Linear Regression Classification The features of each 
region are combined in a feature vector that is basis for the linear 
regression classification algorithm method described in (Meyer- 
Brötz and Schürmann, 1970). The method was implemented by 
using the scilab (Gomez, 1998) environment. The a priori prob- 
abilities are taken from the state transition diagram considering 
the previous classification. They are empirical set, because the 
random sample was limited. Result of the classifier is a vector 
with probability for each differentiated class. GEOAIDA decides 
for the most probable class for each segment. Here both segmen- 
tations are taken into account. 
32 Structural Classifier 
The structural building extraction operator models buildings as 
complex structures consisting of different parts (cp. (Müller et 
al., 2003)). It assumes an illumination model shown in figure 6. 
The angles « and A are calculated from the exact date and time 
of the image capture and the sun angle. Hypotheses for shades 
and roofs are generated using two different image segmentation 
operators. To get the buildings, the roofs are grouped with one or 
more shades. The neighborhood relations regard the illumination 
model presented in figure 6. 
Shades of buildings are derived with a threshold decision in the 
image. The threshold can be calculated automatically from the 
histogram, so that images with different illumination can be pro- 
cessed. Since shades are generally not visible in a green color 
channel, the green color has been masked during shade detection. 
Pixel taken as shade have to fulfill the condition grey value «€ 
threshold and hue < 90° V hue > 150°. 
Roofs are generated in a more complex procedure. Here the so- 
called color structure code (Priese et al., 1994), (Rehrmann and 
Priese, 1998) is used to segment the entire image. Additionally 
greenish areas are masked and roofs are accepted only in the other 
parts. An additional size criterion restricts acceptable roof hy- 
potheses considering the size. 
Shades generated by buildings have a limited area, so for exam- 
ple shade near a forest can be excluded. The compactness and 
orthogonality of roof labels is additionally measured to validate 
buildings. The grouping of shades and roof labels leads to val- 
idated buildings. The neighboring position of a shade to a roof 
has to fulfill the illumination model. Sometimes it is not possible 
to differentiate between the roof of a building and for example an 
adjacent parking area. In that case the expected size for a build- 
ing is exceeded, does not fulfill the model, and the grouping !5 
rejected during the analysis. 
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