Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Methods for the automatic identification of corresponding 
objects, adjusting the object geometry, and detection of changes 
which occurred in reality, but are not yet integrated in one of 
the data sets, will be developed. This is done with a focus on 
the above mentioned data set. Geometric aspects and methods 
will be described, namely the merging of segmented objects 
and the adaptation of the geometry by using a rigid 
transformation, followed by a mere intersection and evaluation 
of the resulting elements. 
In this project the German digital topographic data set (ATKIS) 
will be chosen as reference, therefore the geometry of the 
geoscientific maps will be adapted without using constraints 
regarding accuracy or actuality so far. The approach, however, 
will be extended in the near future, to also take the relative 
accuracy and importance of the objects to be integrated into 
Data can be integrated and fused for mutual benefit: Walter & 
Fritsch, (1999) present an approach that fuses two different data 
sets with road information with the aim of mutually exchanging 
attributes of the two data sets. The integration of vector data 
and . raster data is - being investigded in. à 
GEOTECHNOLOGIEN partner project with the aim of 
enriching a 2D-vector data set with 3D-information (Butenuth 
& Heipke, 2003). Data integration or data matching is also 
needed for update purposes, e.g. when a data provider has to 
deliver up-to-date information details to his customers (Badard, 
A conflation component strategy to provide independent but 
interoperable modules to solve special integration problems has 
been developed by Yuan & Tao, (1999). 
Integration can be used for data registration, when one data set 
is spatially referenced and the other has to be aligned to it 
(Sester et al, 1998). A conceptual framework for the 
integration of geographic data sets, based on a domain ontology 
and surveying rules, was developed for update propagation 
between topographic data sets (Uitermark, 2001). 
Finally, data integration is needed for the generation of 
Multiple Resolution Data Bases (MRDB); in this case objects 
of different geometric and thematic resolution have to be fused 
(Mantel, 2002). 
For the research in the GEOTECHNOLOGIEN project three 
data sets are used: the topographic data set ATKIS, the 
geological map and the soil-science map, all at a scale of 
1:25000. When going from analogue to digital maps, new 
possibilities for data handling and analysis appear: basically, 
the combination of different data sets in a geo-information 
system (GIS) is enabled. 
Simple superimposition of different data sets already reveals 
visible differences (Fig. 1). These differences can be explained 
by comparing the creation of the geological, the soil-science 
map and ATKIS (Goesseln & Sester, 2003). 
As for ATKIS the topography is the main thematic focus, for 
the geo-scientific maps it is either geology or soil science, these 
maps have been produced using the result of geological drills 
and according to these punctual informations, areal objects have 
been derived using interpolation methods based on geoscientific 
models. However they are related to the underlying topography. 
The connection between the data sets has been achieved by 
copying the thematic information from topography to the geo- 
scientific maps at that point of time the geological or soil- 
science information is collected. This is done by using up 
scaled copies (1:25.000 to 1:10.000) of topographic maps. The 
selection and integration of objects from one data set to another 
one has been performed manual and in most of the cases the 
objects have been generalized by the geoscientist. 
While the geological content of these data sets will keep its 
actuality for decades, the topographic information in these 
maps do not: In general, topographic updates are not integrated 
unless new geological information has to be inserted in these 
data sets. 
The update period of the feature classes in ATKIS varies from 
one year up to three months — in general, 10% of the objects 
have to be updated pèr year (LGN 2003). 
Fig. 1 : Simple superimposition of ATKIS (dark border, 
hatched) and geological map GK 25 (solid fill). 
The geoscientific maps have been digitized to use the benefits 
of digital data sets, but due to the digitalization even more 
discrepancies occurred. 
Another problem which amplifies the deviations of the 
geometry is the unequal data model between these data sets. 
Geological and soil-science maps are single-layered data sets 
which consist only of polygons with attribute tables for the 
representation of thematic and topographic content, while 
ATKIS is a multi-layered data-structure with objects of all 
geometric types, namely points, lines and polygons, equally 
with attribute tables. 
These differences in acquisition, creation, modelling and 
updating lead to discrepancies, making these data sets difficult 
to integrate. The amount of financial and human resources 
which is needed for the removal of these discrepancies can 
hardly be afforded. Therefore, new methods are required which 
offer an automatic or semi-automatic process capable of 
detecting and removing the differences between these data sets 
and supporting a human operator in this process. 
In order to identify changes in the data sets and update the 
changes, the following steps are needed: identification of 
corresponding objects in the different data sets, classification of 
possible changes, and finally update of the changes. 
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