Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
4.1 Overview 
Data Integration is a very actual research topic covering many 
different aspects from a variety of different domains. In this 
part of the GEOTECHNOLOGIEN project the integration of 
heterogeneous vector data sets is the main focus. Data 
integration or map conflation can be divided in horizontal and 
vertical integration. Horizontal conflation is referred to edge- 
matching of adjacent maps with the objective of eliminating 
spatial and thematic discrepancies in the common area of the 
maps, vertical conflation describes the integration of two (or 
more) maps covering the same area with differences in data 
modelling, thematic content and accuracy (Yuan & Tao, 1999). 
The result of the integration of ATKIS and the geoscientific 
maps is slightly different from the common definition of map 
conflation. As it is not the aim of the project to develop a new 
master data set (Beller et aL, 1997), but to enhance the 
geometric accuracy of the geoscientific data sets. In this project 
the creation of a master set is not recommended because 
ATKIS is chosen as reference data set regarding the higher 
geometric accuracy and actuality. Therefore the topographic 
content of the geoscientific data sets is adjusted to a reference 
data set. 
During the integration process there are various mandatory 
tasks. The geometric accuracy of ATKIS — which is based on 
the higher acquisition accuracy and the more frequent updates — 
should be used to correct and enhance the geometric content of 
the geoscientific data sets and avoid parallel updating. 
4.2 Semantic Differences 
At the beginning of the integration process the semantic models 
— which means at this time of the project the thematic contents 
— of all data sets are compared. Topographic elements which 
are represented in all of the three data sets are selected and will 
be used as candidates for the matching process. This selection is 
mandatory to avoid comparing “apples and oranges” and has to 
be the first step to ensure a successful integration. 
Four different types of data integration are defined in (Walter & 
Fritsch, 1999). 
e L: stemming from the same data source with unequal 
updating periods, 
e IL: represented in the same data model, but acquired 
by different operators, 
L I11.: stored in similar, but not identical data models, 
* . IV.: from heterogeneous sources which differ in data 
modelling, scale, thematic content. 
The integrational part to be performed in this project could be 
categorized as type IV. 
In the first phase of this project, the topographic feature class 
"water areas" has been chosen as a candidate for developing 
and testing, because of the presence of this topographic element 
in all data sets. 
One aim of the project is the adaptability of the research results 
to real applications. Therefore all the research is pursued in 
close partnership with external partners from geology and soil- 
S.l Application framework 
At this point of the project the first research results and selected 
algorithms have been implemented in a software prototype. 
Vividsolutions developed an open-source GIS application based 
on the JAVA development language. The Unified Mapping 
Platform JUMP is a GUI-based application for viewing and 
processing spatial data. It includes many spatial and GIS 
functions. It is also designed to be a highly extensible 
framework for developing and running customized spatial data 
processing applications. JUMP is based on the Java Topology 
Suite JTS, a JAVA programming library which offers various 
modules for the development of highly adopted software 
applications for data integration (JUMP 2004). 
Using this system which represents data according to the OGC- 
standard a software prototype is developed, which serves as 
testbed for different matching-algorithms and is used for 
visualization of the origin data sets and the matching results. 
The concept the federated database foresees that all the original 
data sets will be kept — however the links between 
corresponding objects in the different data sets will be 
explicitly stored. 
5.2 Data preparation 
Before the integration process can be started, all the data sets 
which will be used in the integration workflow, have to be pre- 
processed to a common data format. 
In this project a federated data base is developed which is 
capable of importing the data sets in their original format, 
converting them to a common standard and store them in a 
single data management system (Tiedge et al. 2004). 
5.2.1 Harmonisation 
Water objects in ATKIS are represented in two different ways: 
Water areas and rivers exceeding a certain width are 
represented as polygons. Thinner rivers are digitised as lines 
and arc assigned additional attributes, referring to some 
classified ranges of widths. The representation of water objects 
in the geo-scientific maps is always a polygon. 
These differences have to be adjusted before integration starts. 
For the first implementation a simple buffer algorithm has been 
chosen, using the line representation from ATKIS as centre line 
and the width attribute. This enables the operator to compare 
the polygon from ATKIS and the water object from the geo- 
scientific maps using a mere intersection. 
Another problem is the representation of grouped objects in 
different maps. For a group of water objects, e.g. a group of 
ponds, the representation in the different data sets could either 
be a group of objects with the same or a different number of 
objects, or even a single generalised object. Finally, also objects 
can be present in one data set and not represented in the other. 
All these considerations lead to the following relation 
cardinalities that have to be integrated: 1:0, 1:1, 1:n, and n:m. 
5.3 Geometry based matching 
5.3.1 Selection Sets 
As it was mentioned in 4.2 the data delivered from the data 
management system, will be selected using specified feature 
attributes, resulting in the three selection groups (ATKIS, 
geological map and soil-science map). 
Due to the fact that the objects from all three data sets are 
representations of the same real world objects, they show 

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