Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
calculated. This will be achieved using a least squares 
adjustment process, where observations in terms of differences 
in shape will be introduced as a functional model — the 
stochastic model will describe the accuracies of the original 
shapes. This process then will lead to a local adaptation of the 
individual corresponding objects, but also of their local 
environment. Too large discrepancies of the shape boundaries 
will be considered as outliers and can be treated in the 
subsequent overlay and analysis step. 
Fig. 5 : Visualisation of changes between topographic content 
from ATKIS and geological map, after applying ICP 
algorithm and area-threshold filtering. 
At the end of the project constraints for every data set can be 
defined which will facilitate the creation of a weighted 
geometry or a so called master data set which is the common 
idea of map conflation. 
In the near future the introduction of punctual and linear 
elements will enhance the process of geometric integration, 
because at this stage of the project only polygons are evaluated. 
Further work will concentrate on partial matching that often 
occur at object boundaries: e.g. a geoscientific object ends at a 
river or road. This means, that these features have a part of the 
river or road boundary in common. In order to identify these 
partial correspondences, it is necessary to appropriately 
segment these objects. 
Due to the fact that only the geometry of linked objects is 
changed and adjusted during the workflow the neighborhood 
remains unchanged. These discrepancies will be removed at the 
end of the integration process, to ensure à topologically 
consistent model, the data management system from the 
federated data base is capable of validating the topology 
structure to avoid saving corrupt data. 
This is publication no. GEOTECH-66 of the 
GEOTECHNOLOGIEN project funded by the Federal Ministry 
for Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Research 
Council (DFG) under contract 03F0374A. 
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