Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives 
of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 5: weakness of buffer method in the condition of near inter-city roads sub criteria multiplicity 
There must be a way to answer to this question “how 
much is the distance between two respective criteria 
based on kilometers?” for this reason the method that 
is suggested in this theses is presented in formula 8. 
Hx 8 
In this formula Kx show that how much is the distance 
between two existing criterion “x” , L shows the 
length of each route part, nx shows the quantity of the 
criterion “x” in each route part. 
After the calculation, the Kx relevant to each route 
part should be determined in a way that shows that in 
which part this criterion works well, in which one it 
works in an average level and finally in which one it 
has an improper performance, after dividing the Kx 
zones for the mentioned criterion, the AHP method is 
implemented and the weight of each zone is 
determined. This issue that weather this zone division 
has been done properly and what is the best status, 
itself needs further deep and careful investigations. 
The criteria, which follow this method, are as follows. 
For the sub criteria of security criterion, sub criteria of 
marginal parking lots, service departments, 
mechanical and technical assistant departments, health 
and clinical service departments and 
telecommunication departments and sub criteria of 
service and terminal departments from the main 
criterion of facilities the average quantity of 
kilometers method was applied. Zones and relevant 
coefficients to each zone are calculated and presented 
in tables 5,6,7,8,9,and 10. 
Table 5: the coefficients of sub criteria of marginal parking lots, security criterion C= 0.04 
Zone Kp «2 2« Kp.« l0 Kp» 10 
(good) (average) Weak 
Weight 0.589 0.357 0.054 
Table (6): The coefficients of sub criteria of service department and technical and mechanical services, security 
Zone Kc«3 3«Kc «20 Kc» 20 
(good) (average) (weak) 
Weight 0.542 0.396 0.062 
Table(7): The coefficients of sub criteria of health and clinical services, security criterion 
Zone Kh « 20 20« Kh « 70 Kh» 70 
(good) (average) (weak) 
Weight 0.735 0.178 0.087 
Table (8): The coefficients of sub criterion of telecommunication departments, security criterion 
Zone Kc « 30 30 « Kc « 100 Kc > 100 
(good) (average) (weak) 
Weight 0.577 0.324 0.081 

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