Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
(Richards, 1993) are one of the most popular multisource image 
analysis systems. They use the GIS data in cooperation with the 
image analysis outputs to extract the desired information 
[Richards, 1993]. 
Recently, another important issue of the interaction between 
GIS and RS is discussed, which is called GIS and RS 
integration. Integration deals with the higher level of the 
cooperation, which leads to the better result or a result that 
could not have been achieved. In this manner, GIS information 
is used to guide image analysis, which extracts more complete 
and accurate information, which is in turn used to update the 
GIS databases [Baltasavias et al. 2000]. 
Today GIS and RS integration not only is important but it is 
necessary in order to reach to the desired information. GIS 
databases are provided for many arcas around the world. On the 
other hand remotely sensed images are taken from the various 
parts of the earth. These two kinds of the geo-spatial data can 
solve many of the problems of our life in combination to each 
other. Each of these powerful tools completes the other and the 
best results can be obtained by their cooperation. Baltasavias et 
al. [2000], have listed some major aspects of the GIS and RS 
integration. As a consequence we can Say. “if we have 
information we should make use of them". 
In this paper we make use of the available GIS data and/or 
knowledge in order to extract more accurate results by image 
analysis. We use the GIS and RS data to generate some 
hypothesis maps and our predefined cost function, is used to 
choose the best hypothesis for the objects. In our method we 
generate a likelihood map for each radiometric class and then 
overlay the existing boundaries of land cover objects on each 
likelihood map. After this, the average probability of each 
polygon is calculated and then using a threshold (variable 
parameter) we generate a hypothesis map for the class. Then for 
finding the best hypothesis map (the best threshold) for the class 
we compute the cost of it. Now we can choose the threshold 
with the minimum cost as the final estimated parameter. This 
procedure is done just for one class in each time (see Figure. 4). 
2.1 Object Dynamics 
During the existence of an object, it may be affected by various 
activations and things. This can affects its representation in GIS 
in three ways [Molenaar et a.. 1992]: 
Firstly, the thematic aspects of an object may change. In this 
simplest case the value of one or more attributes change, e.g. 
the cover type of an agricultural field changes or it may be that 
an object to be reclassified e.g. the landuse class of a field 
changes from farmland into build-up area. Secondly. the 
geometric aspects of an object may change. This might be a 
change of position, shape, size, orientation, or combinations of 
these. These changes may lead also to changes of topological 
object relationships (Figure 1(a)). 
Thirdly, an object may change its aggregation structure. The 
aggregation structure indicates how a terrain object can be 
considered as a composite of smaller objects. Here too several 
possibilities exist for such a transition (Figure 1(b)). The fact 
that only the internal structure of the composite or aggregated 
object changes implies that its external relationships are not 
Here. we use GIS data (existing boundaries) to extract the first 
type of changes. Therefore, we assume that there are no changes 
of the reminder two types. But as it will be shown our method 
can detect a majority of the changes of the third type. 
2.2 Biddinghuizen Study Area and Data 
The area of interest for this study is located in Biddinghuizen 
region. This area represents a modern agricultural region in the 
Netherlands [Abkar, 1994]. The agricultural fields are large and 
usually rectangular. The main crops are grass, potatoes. cereals, 
sugar beets, beans, peas, and onion. The elevation differences in 
the Biddinghuizen region are very small. This region is a well 
known area that we have a good set of data and information 
about it. The RS data that we use for our experiment is a 
Landsat TM image that was acquired on 7 July 1987 (see Fig 
2(b).). The image, was of good quality and no atmospheric 
corrections were performed. The image was georeferenced to 
the national triangulation system using a first-degree affine 
transformation. The pixels were resampled to the original size 
of 30 m by 30 m. In this paper bands 3, 4. and 5 of TM were 
used for classification and to generate the likelihood maps. 
Additionally, various data at the Biddinghuizen test area were 
stored in a GIS. A land cover map of this area with information 
about crop types for 1987 was available. Then we have polygon 
boundaries for each agricultural field and its crop type in that 
specific date. Figure 2 shows the color composite image of the 3 
used bands of the TM and land cover map of the study area. 
SAN shape 
Figure 1. The second and third types of the changes for objects 
[Molenaar et al. 1992]. 
a) geometric changes b) aggregation structure changes; bl.a 
set of elementary objects dissolves into one larger object or an 
elementary (non-composite) objects fragmented into smaller 
objects. b2. a collection of small elementary objects building an 
aggregated object is replaced by a new set building the same 
aggregated object. 
In this paper, the Land use/cover served three purposes: 
. Training field selection for the classification of 
the satellite image 
. To ensure the prior knowledge (fixed 
boundaries) for the MBIA 
. Validation of the final results 
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