Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Besides high demands for the storage of those large number of 
representations on the server, this also has high requirements 
concerning the transmission of the data, as a large number of 
potentially large data sets has to be transmitted. Due to the fact 
that changes in the data occur only at selected places in the data 
sets, potentially also highly redundant data is sent. Alternatives 
are to provide only a limited set of representations, where large 
changes occur — comparable to the map series of topographic 
maps. The project GiMoDig aims at providing a combination of 
on-line generalization and access to pre-generalized data 
[Sarjakoski et al, 2002]. Bertolotto & Egenhofer [2001] 
describe an approach for progressively transmitting vector data 
by pre-computing a sequence of map representations at 
different Levels of Detail (LoDs). Between adjacent scales, 
appropriate interpolations or morphing operations can be done 
([Cecconi et al., 2002], [van Kreveld 2002]). 
Another alternative is to sent only changes or differences in the 
data set, which already can reduce the amount of data 
considerably. This is e.g. well known from the progressive 
transmission of GIF-images over the internet. Thiemann [2002] 
proposes to use this method for the visualization of 3D building 
data in different levels of detail. A further possibility is not to 
send the changes as such, but a set of operations that describe 
the object and the changes. This requires that on the client side 
these instructions can be interpreted in order to correctly restore 
the object. A basic requirement for the coding scheme is that 
the amount of data to be transmitted should be less than that 
would be needed to transmit the original data set. 
In order to represent different levels of detail of vector 
geometry, hierarchical schemes can be used. On example is the 
GAP-tree for the coding of area partitionings in different levels 
of detail [van Oosterom, 1995]. The BLG (binary line 
generalization) tree hierarchically decomposes a line using e.g. 
the Douglas-Peuker algorithm [Douglas & Peucker, 1973]. 
[n our approach a set of elementary operations was defined that 
allow for describing geometric and topologic changes in vector 
data sets. Generalization operations can be decomposed into a 
sequence of operations leading to a sequential reduction / 
increase of detail. Thus data coded in a vocabulary of so called 
Simple Operations (SO's) can be sent to the client, where it is 
restored again in order to be visualized. 
Generalization operations can be characterized by changes 
occurring to objects which are either discrete or continuous. 
These changes can affect individual objects and groups of 
objects, respectively. In the following examples for both types 
of changes are given. 
3.1 Discrete changes of individual objects 
Changes of this kind can be characterized by the fact that the 
topology and the geometry of the object changes. Examples for 
this class of changes are operations like the simplification of 
building ground plans or simplification of lines (point 
reduction) using e.g. Douglas-Peuker filtering. 
32 Continuous changes of individual objects 
Continuous changes of objects occur when the topology 
remains the same, however geometry changes by shifting either 
the whole object or individual points of the object. 
Displacement is a typical representative for such a change. Also 
in the case of enlargement, only the position of object vertices 
changes, not affecting the topological structure of the objects. 
3.3 Discrete changes of groups of objects 
These changes typically occur when larger scale changes have 
to be traversed and thus the aggregation level and often the type 
of object changes. An example is typification, where a group of 
objects is represented by a new group consisting of less objects. 
The following table gives a classification of the different 
generalization operations into the different categories. Based on 
this analysis examples for the implementation of the operations 
are given. The operations highlighted in bold are described in 
more detail. 
Operation Discrete, Discrete, Continuous | 
individual | group (3.2) 
(3. 1j (3.3) 
Simplification (e.g. X 
Point reduction (e.g. X 
Building X 
Displacement X 
Typification X 
Aggregation X X 
Enhancement (e.g. X 
The coding scheme has been developed for the generalization of 
polygons, especially building ground plans. It is, however, 
obvious, that the approach is generally applicable to all the 
above mentioned generalization operations. 
4.1 The Generalization Chain 
Similar to the ideas introduced by Hoppe for triangulated 
meshes [Hoppe 96], we define for a polygon P consisting of n 
vertices a minimal representation P". with m £n vertices, and 
a maximal representation P^ P, consisting of all original 
vertices. The minimal representation is the one which is still 
sensible from a cartographic viewpoint, for example in case of a 
building a rectangle, m = 4 , or the empty polygon. 
During pre-processing, map generalization starts from polygon 
P". successively simplifying its representation using 
generalization operations as described in Section 5.2, finally 
yielding polygon P". Assume that k. generalization steps are 
involved (each leading to one or more removed polygon 
vertices), and the number of polygon vertices are numbered 
2H, d. ndm, then a sequence of generalized 
Pa P = Pt} Per Ph =P” 
£o 81 Sk-1 
is obtained, where g, denotes the j-th generalization operation. 
Every generalization step g, Is tied to a certain value of a 
control par. 
be — as dis 
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Since genet 
sequence « 
However, 1 
polygon fro 
pr == Pi 
where agai 
the minimal 
of inverse gt 
4.2 Encodi 
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parameters o 
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Figure 1 sho 
realizes the

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