Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
problem complex, the results shown in this paper clearly 
demonstrate the potential of the employed method. 
The extremely large number of elevations — equal to the nun? 
ber of elevation cells — as unknown parameters is apt to pro- 
duce substantial performance problems. The aim is to employ 
an efficient numerical method guaranteeing processing time 
approximately proportional to image size. Limitations to the 
over-all process are mainly due to space-variant surface al 
bedo, severe atmospheric disturbances, shadows and certain 
illumination conditions. It may therefore be envisaged that 
only a subset of Mars scenes will be amenable to data pro- 
cessing by De-Re-Shading. 
The next section is devoted to a brief introduction into our 
general DRS approach. The fundamental SFS kernel will be 
described in some detail both from the mathematical and nu 
merical points of view. After an account on the present im- 
plementation stage and future improvements emphasis will be 
placed upon a discussion of the experimental results so far 
obtained and conclusions to be drawn from them. 
2.1 Conceptual Approach 
The DRS process is based on the conditional comparison of 
the irradiance of an ortho-image (£) with the modelled radi- 
ance image (R) of the object scene; see the block diagram of 
Fig. 1. We assume that the ortho-image was derived from an 
original HRSC image (7) together with the orientation and 
calibration state of the camera (C) during the time of expos- 
ure and an intitial digital elevation model (Z) obtained by ste- 
reo photogrammetry (shape from matching SFM). The condi- 
tionality of the comparison stems from the constraint that the 
global difference between initial DEM and corrected DEM 
becomes minimal. Kernel is a Shape-from-Shading (SFS) 
method mostly known from Computer Visualization. 
Image Orientation Light 
Irradiance Calibration DEM EQM BRDF Source 
Ortho-Image Scene 
Irradiance Radiance 
("Albedop . 
DRS (£c v 
Figure 1. Block diagram of DRS data flow 
Prerequisite for a definite solution is an initial DEM of suffr 
cient quality. The stochastic model of the DEM may be given 
by the global elevation variance (Var Z) as elevation quality 
model EQM). Both initial DEM and EQM possess some po- 
tential for the derivation of space variant albedo. Other input 
parameters concern the BRDF (Bidirectional Reflectance 
Distribution Function), i.c. an assumed reflectance law, and 
the sun vector (s). The present experimental version utilizes 
constant BRDF, hence diffuse (Lambert) reflection. The cor- 
rected DEM may be used as new initial DEM thus defining 
an iterative process, although real improvements may be ex- 
pected only if the ortho-image will be computed anew as 
well. Further, albedo is considered constant for each scene. 
The dark solid lines indicate the present stage of the solution, 
the dotted lines have not yet been implemented, and the light 
solid lines belong to an a priori process external to SFS. Not 
shown in Fig. 1 is the mosaicking of neighboring scenes. 
2.2 Shape from Shading (SFS) 
Depending on numerous, partly merely estimable geometrical 
and physical factors such as surface reflectance, shadows, 
light source distribution, image resolution, accuracy of initial 
elevation map, etc., SFS applied to real-world imagery is a 
non-trivial, generally ill-posed problem. SFS has been and 
still is treated in an extensive mathematics and theory ork 
ented literature covering mostly small and limited problems. 
An excellent survey is given by (Zhang et al., 1999). An inr 
portant aspect concerns the coupling of deterministic and 
stochastic optimisation approaches (Crouzil et al., 2003) in 
order to determine optimal values for the penalty factors of 
the constraint terms. 
From the methodical view point SFS is a problem of Vari- 
ational Analysis with constraints. Historically such com 
straints were predominantly incorporated to ensure conver 
gence to a somewhat smoothed solution in order to omit dis- 
continuities and make them mathematically manageable 
(Horn, 1970). Although this is true in the continuous domain, 
for discrete data there is a resolution limit given by the pixel 
size. Real discontinuities can therefore not exist, hence 
smoothing regularization constraints become obsolete. 
In our present SFS-approach the basic (continuous) equation 
is defined by the minimization (or optimisation) integral 
JG Ie —p R) +M(Z — g") jux dY — min (1) 
taken over a scene (2. in the (X. Y) -plane. Equ.(1) is the un- 
constrained form of the constrained minimization functional, 
extended by the elevation constraint with a “penalty” factor 
^. Z represents the surface of the desired DEM, Z'" the 
initial DEM as approximation to Z(X.Y) which is to be de- 
termined such that the functional J(Z) becomes minimal. 
See Fig. 1 for the notation. R = R(p,g) as modelled reflec- 
ted scene radiance is a function of the surface slopes 
p — Z,(X,Y) and q — Z,(X,Y). The scene albedo factor 
can be estimated by the expression 
HEE £2) 
and X is the ratio of the variances of E and Z9, viz. 
G 2 
Ref (3) 
thus representing the global stochastic model part (Crouzil, et 
al., 2003). 
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