Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Instead of establishing the Euler-Lagrange equations assock 
ated with Equ.(1) as, e.g., in (Dorrer, et al, 1998), and solve 
the discretized system of partial differential equations, we 
have solved the discretized Equ.(1) directly by variation of 
Z until the functional / is minimal. This is possible by ex- 
pressing the slopes simply as the convolutions of constant 
difference filters, A and B , with Z , viz. 
p23-4*2,-q(Z)BsZ. (4) 
Then the scene radiance is R = R(p(Z),4(Z)) and Equ.(1) 
Js ff e ~p RZ -XQ-Z9ylaxaY, (s) 
which may now be solved iteratively by the method of con- 
jugate gradients (Shewchuck, 1994). Main advantages of 
CGM are that linearization of nonlinear functions is not re- 
quired, convergence of the method normally is superlinear 
(Beckmann, et al., 2001), and Z will be determined indir- 
ectly when J approaches the minimum. Some prerequisites 
for CGM such as convexity of J follow from 7‘ being 
rather close to Z . In essence, CGM approaches the minimum 
by successively searching for line minimums along consecut- 
ive "conjugated" gradients 
E -pR(Z)(R,(Z)* A--R(Z)«B 
via ff] pR(Z))(R (2) * )« B) 
2 dXdY 
+ À (7 ze, 
The principle of CGM is exhaustively explained in (Shew- 
chuck, et al, 1994). 
2.3 Present Implementation 
The present experimental version of the DRS software under 
development is a preliminary stand-alone version written in C 
and runs both under MS-windows and Linux. In addition an 
independent APL2-version is used for testing and further 
evaluation purposes. It is expected that the final C-version 
will be integrated in a comprehensive software package de 
veloped by the DLR Co-Investigator team. 
The still rudimentary property of the DRS version may be 
characterized by the following limitations: 
* Lambert reflection (constant BRDF) 
e Constant scene albedo factor 
e No shadows 
e No atmospheric correction 
e Simplified stochastic model of the DEM 
e — Non-automated pre- and post processing 
e — Autmated SFS-kernel only 
e Rectangular scene regions 
e Local cartesian 3D-coordinate system. 
Despite these limitation the refinement of an initial photo- 
grammetric, i.e. SFM-derived, DEM is remarkable as will be 
demonstrated for two suitable scenes in the following section. 
It is of course envisaged to successively improve the present 
DRS version by dropping the limitations. This is however a 
tedious way requiring not only new theoretical ideas but also 
extensive experimental work with many different HRSC 
Prior to the availability of HRSC data we have first used a 
rectangular subsection of a Mars Global Surveyor MOC 
wide-angle scene (M000094 situated on Mars in the southern 
part of Icaria Planum at 95° W longitude and 41° § latitude) 
for which DLR had prepared the required ortho-image 
(Fig.2a) and associated MOLA-DEM. The latter is shown as 
modelled radiance image in Fig.2b and with 100-m contours 
in Fig.2c. As may be seen from Fig. 2b, due to the relatively 
wide gaps between adjacent MOLA profiles the DEM may 
only be considered as rough approximation to the real sur- 
The ortho-image has size 476x402 with a pixel size of 232 m, 
thus covering an area of 110 km by 93 km. This yields a rel 
atively small printing scale of 1:2°500°000. 
Fig. 2d Fig. 2¢ 
Figure 2. MOC wide-angle scene 110 km by 93 km 
at printing scale 1:2°500°000 
The SFS-refined result after some 20 iterations is shown in 
Fig. 2d and Fig. 2e. In general the contour lines (Fig. 2e) de 
rived from the SFS-refined DEM appear much more regu- 

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